Do Not Pick Up Fawns

With the official beginning of summer, white-tailed deer fawns begin to appear in Mississippi. The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) advises people to leave fawns alone. Read more

New Poll Says Holder Should Go

BELLEVUE, WA – A new Rasmussen poll showing only 27 percent support for Attorney General Eric Holder keeping his job, while 73 percent are either in favor of his resignation or undecided, is a clear message that Holder should step down, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Read more

SCI to Testify Before House Committee

Washington, DC – On Tuesday, June 19, 2012, Safari Club International Foundation (SCI Foundation) Chairman of Conservation & SCI Vice-President, Dr. Al Maki, will testify before the Space, Science, and Technology Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. The hearing will cover “The Science of How Hunting Assists Species Conservation and Management.”
The hearing will seek to highlight the role that sportsmen and women play in wildlife conservation, both domestically and internationally. Read more

Michigan Firearms Legislation Update

House Bill 5225 H-4 passed the full Michigan House of Representatives on Wednesday, June 13 on a vote of 74-36 along with companion legislation HB 5498 and HB 5499.  These bills repeal the permit to purchase process and registration requirements for pistols in Michigan.  MCRGO actively supports these bills and has been laying the groundwork for the repeal of mandatory registration over the past five years.

NICS checks would remain in place for FFL dealers.  The legislation would require state and local police agencies to destroy their pistol registries within six months following the effective date of the new law.  Michigan is currently one of a very small minority of states that maintain mandatory state registration.  The federal government is legally prohibited from maintaining a national pistol registry.

The H-4 version of HB 5225 can be found here

The Michigan Legislature began its summer recess on Friday, June 15.  The bills are expected to be taken up by the Michigan Senate this fall.

Found a Young Wild Bird?

By Glen Wunderlich

Finding wild birds around the house can sure change a birder’s plans.  Already this year, there have been a Cooper’s hawk, two blue jays, and several robins that have fallen into our hands.  Unfortunately, the Cooper’s hawk appeared to have slammed into a window and its prospects for survival seemed slim.  Nonetheless, I put the downed creature into a pet carrier and headed off to Michigan State’s emergency animal hospital, where it was carried away by someone on staff.

It’s good to know that such a service is available.  If you have an emergency, call 517-353-5420 or take your pet immediately to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital located at Bogue and Wilson Roads on the MSU Campus.

But, what should we do when we find young birds on the ground and they are unable to fly?  Read more

Local organization to host meeting on proposed deer antler point restrictions June 21 in Custer

The northwest Michigan chapter of the Quality Deer Management Association, in partnership with Leelanau Whitetails, has proposed new antler point restrictions (APR) for the following 12 counties: Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Lake, Manistee, Mason, Missaukee, Osceola and Wexford.

This proposal seeks to require that all antlered deer harvested in the area have at least three antler points on one side. The statewide requirement that hunters taking two bucks must ensure at least one of those bucks has four or more antler points on one side would remain in place. The proposed regulations would be consistent with the current restriction in Deer Management Unit (DMU) 045, which is Leelanau County. The restriction will be considered for implementation starting with the 2013 deer season. Antlerless deer regulations within the proposed area would continue to be determined by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Read more

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