Stand Your Ground Challenged in Michigan

“This is not about guns; it’s about violence,” Woodrow Stanley, D-Flint said. “The whole intent here is to ratchet down the environment (for violence).”  Always the Democrats!  So, if we let bad guys have their way with victims, how does that protect anyone but bad guys?  It ain’t gonna fly.  And, all this comes from one of the top cities for crime.  Any clues why?  More here…

Ruger And Crimson Trace Offer Firearm and Laser Sight Packages

Wilsonville, OR — Ruger and Crimson Trace continue to enhance their working relationship with Crimson Trace equipped firearms for the hugely popular LC9, LCP and LCR (.38, .357 and .22) models. Available direct from the manufacturer, these ideal concealed carry pistols are available with factory-installed Crimson Trace laser sights which provide the customer with the world’s finest low-light sighting solution. These packages build on the relationship developed when Ruger introduced the category-defining LCP pocket pistol, which rapidly became the biggest selling SKU for both companies. Read more

Michigan Man Fired for Finding Gun

A Wayne County Michigan man has been fired for turning in a handgun he found while performing grounds duties.  Apparently, the Detroit police never showed up when he called, so he took it to his local police department.  It seems that Wayne County has a policy against its employees possessing a gun on work property – even if you do the right thing.  Apparently, it would have been better if John Chevilott just left it there where he found it.  More nonsense here…

Michigan Permit-to-Purchase Hearing Scheduled

Yesterday, the Michigan House Judiciary Committee held a hearing to review an important and long-overdue bill that would eliminate the state handgun “permit-to-purchase” and registration requirements. This committee heard House   Bill 5225 and considered amendment language that will be used as a substitute for HB 5225.  The committee will again consider HB 5225 next week with a possible vote on Thursday, May 24. Read more

House Leadership Demands Cooperation from Holder on “Fast and Furious”

On May 18, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), joined House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) in sending a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder demanding full cooperation with the ongoing Congressional investigation into the infamous “Fast and Furious” operation, and the tragic death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Read more

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