Tasers Approved in Michigan

Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder, has signed  bills into law that will allow Michigan residents to carry Tasers,  if they have a concealed pistol license and complete training in use of the typically nonlethal electronic devices.  The law has immediate effect and details can be found here…

The Lewis Machine & Tool “Pig Package” .308 Modular Weapon System

MILAN, IL – Lewis Machine & Tool Company (LMT®), an Illinois-based company that designs, prototypes and manufactures small arms, accessories and tooling components for the military, government, law enforcement, commercial manufacturers and responsible civilians, in keeping with their exclusive endorsement deal with Brian “Pig Man” Quaca’s Sportsman Channel’s television show, Pig Man: The Series, is now making the “Pig Package” available to gun enthusiasts everywhere. Read more

Turkey Tumbles

Ring Tone call and bird

Mr. Jim Moss:  Looks like the “Good Hunting” wishes have come true again.

I’ll have more on the story but for now you can see the punishment dished out by a 2-ounce load of 6s at 34 yards.  This video is rated PG:

SCI Talking Conservation On Capitol Hill

SCI Urging Senate to Pass H.R. 4089

Washington, D.C. – Safari Club International (SCI) members will participate in more than 170 meetings this week with members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate on behalf of hunters everywhere. SCI’s lobby day on Capitol Hill represents the largest annual gathering of U.S. hunters in Washington, DC. This year’s focus will be working with the U.S. Senate to pass H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012. Read more

Adios Senator Lugar

Statement from Chris W. Cox on Richard Mourdock’s Significant Win in the Indiana U.S. Senate Primary Election

Thanks to your votes, Richard Mourdock has won the Republican   primary election for U.S. Senate in Indiana defeating 36-year incumbent, Sen. Richard Lugar.  Since the 1990s, Sen. Lugar has become notorious for his zealous support of gun control schemes and his fervent anti-gun positions.  Read more

Businesses That Support Animal Rights

GW:  Guess I’ll have to change where I spend my money. 

Ever wonder which groups are supporting the animal rights movement through partnerships and dollars?  The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) works to end trapping and hunting.  On the group’s website, ASPCA boasts of partnerships with:

  • Bank of America
  • Lowes
  • Wal-Mart
  • CVS Pharmacies
  • Big Lots!
  • Family Dollar Stores
  • Morton Salt
  • Subaru
  • Walker’s Shortbread

Ironically, the Lowes outdoor dog kennels that ASPCA promotes online would become illegal in several states, if recently introduced laws prohibiting keeping dogs outdoors unsupervised, are passed. Who’s going to explain this self-induced predicament to the company and ASPCA?

Introducing the Barnett Vengeance


Barnett Vengeance

Personifying a steely resolve and determination, the new Barnett Vengeance crossbow is aptly named.  The Barnett Vengeance represents a quantum leap in crossbow evolution. It is the first crossbow to combine a lightweight CarbonLite Riser with reverse draw technology. As a result, the Vengeance exhibits significantly less vibration and noise than a traditional draw crossbow without sacrificing speed or accuracy. Read more

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