Border Patrol Electric Fence System

The new Border Patrol TC1 is a revolutionary Patented GPS-enabled pet containment e-Fence system with FenceView Tracking and remote trainer capabilities all in one unit. Now dog owners can train and contain their dogs with the D.E. Systems Border Patrol TC1. It is completely portable and easy to set up anywhere with a GPS signal.  This enables the unit to be used at home and taken to the field and on family trips to provide an easy to use containment area for dogs that weigh over 35 pounds. Read more

Michigan Senator is Key to Passage of Pro-Sportsmen Bill

The most significant pro-sportsmen’s legislation of the past 15 years is now in the U.S. Senate.  Michigan’s Senator Debbie Stabenow is one of a handful of Senators that can determine whether the bill makes it to President Barack Obama’s desk for his signature. Read more

RFA Calls for Continued Angler Boycott of Walmart

(4/23/2012) Two recent New York Times articles have put Wal-Mart and the Walton family’s dirty laundry in the international spotlight once again.   The incidents which focus on corporate greenwashing in the United States with Walton family support for anti-fishing efforts in North America, coupled with an alleged $24 million worth of bribes in Central America to speed up the chain’s expansion into Mexico, has the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) once again reminding of the ongoing angler boycott of Wal-Mart. Read more

Nugent’s Court Date Today

Ted Nugent, who signed a plea agreement April 14, agreed to pay a $10,000 fine and has agreed to a two-year probation,  including a special condition that he not hunt or fish in Alaska or Forest  Service properties for one year. He also agreed to create a public service  announcement that would be broadcast on his television show for one year.  The court hearing on the matter is today.  More here…

USSA Talks Sportsmen’s Rights on C-SPAN

(Columbus, Ohio)- On Friday, April 20, 2012 U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Director of Federal Affairs, Bill Horn, appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal discussing Sportsmen’s Rights, and H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012.
Click here to watch the program. Check local television listings for C-SPAN rebroadcasts of this program. (
Click here for information on H.R. 4089. (

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CVA Adds New ACCURA MR Model

CVA has added a second version of its new ACCURA MR muzzleloading rifle. Originally the gun was only offered in Realtree Max 1, but at the request of many CVA dealers, a black-stocked version of the gun will be added to the line and be available for early summer delivery. Both of the new ACCURA MRs (MR stands for “Mountain Rifle”), join the ACCURA V2 models in the already very popular premium line of CVA ACCURA series of muzzleloaders — being particularly known for the extreme accuracy of their Bergara® barrels. Read more

A Review of HR 4089 – Sportsman’s Heritage Act of 2012

By Glen Wunderlich

Known as the Sportsman’s Heritage Act of 2012, HR 4089 has passed the U.S. House of Representatives and, if it continues on its path to becoming law, it may be the most important piece of legislation on behalf of sportsmen and women in decades.   H.R. 4089 is actually the compilation of four bills, all designed to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting: Read more

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