Expensive Condoms

A Detroit man accused of fatally shooting a customer in a dispute over the price of condoms has been charged with first-degree murder.

Michael Haynes was shot in the back early Saturday after knocking over shelves of merchandise in a fit of rage.  GW:  Maybe they are too costly.

Gun Grabbers Want Concealed Carry List

The Milwaukee-based group Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort or WAVE wants access to the list of concealed carry permit holders.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice says divulging the identity of any concealed carry license holder is against the law.

GW:  Isn’t the idea not to let anyone know?  The whole concept needs to be “concealed” to work its natural effect of discouraging bad guys from taking chances.  In any event, you can hear from the whiners here…

American Indian Tribes Opposed to Wisconsin Wolf Hunting

The Great Lakes Indian Fish and Game Commission, which represents 11 tribes of the Ojibwe (also known as the Chippewa, or Anishinaabe) in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan, opposes the hunting of wolves because of religious beliefs and tradition.

They are taught that Ma’iingan (wolf) is a brother to Original man.  The rub is here…

Interestingly, native Indians find it acceptable to kill bald eagles and the story is here…

Sportsmen Urge BLM to Move Cautiously on Plans for Oil Shale Development in West

SILT, Colo. – As federal officials consider how to move forward on oil shale development, a sportsmen’s coalition is urging caution because no proven technology exists and the impacts on the West’s public lands, fish, wildlife, water and air quality are unknown.
Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development said Monday that the Bureau of Land Management’s recommended option, which stresses research first on public lands in Utah, Wyoming and Colorado, is prudent. The coalition is led by

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Knight Rifle Launches Online Forum

GW:  A great way to learn…

Knight Rifles is proud to announce the launch of a new online forum forums.knightrifles.com for muzzleloader enthusiasts. The site welcomes all shooters and hunters with forum areas dedicated to discussing Black Powder Hunting, shooting, general muzzleloader talk, and model specific forums for each Knight Rifle model. Users are encouraged to share and discuss their rifles, powder and bullet combinations, and hunting experiences. Users can even upload pictures in the Trophy Room for sharing. Read more

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