FPC WIN: Federal Court Strikes Down Illinois “Assault Weapon” and Magazine Bans

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced that Federal District Court Judge Stephen P. McGlynn has ruled in the FPC Law case of Harrel v. Raoul that the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA), which bans semi-automatic firearms and their magazines, is unconstitutional. The 168-page decision, which followed a full bench trial, can be viewed at firearmspolicy.org/harrel.

After considering all of the evidence and arguments, the “Court must take action as justice demands,” the Court said in its decision. “PICA is an unconstitutional affront to the Second Amendment and must be enjoined. The Government may not deprive law-abiding citizens of their guaranteed right to self-defense as a means of offense.” However, the Court also stayed the injunction for 30 days to allow the State time to appeal and seek a stay from the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

“We are gratified that the Court properly found that these bans violate the constitutionally protected rights of Illinois residents and visitors. As we clearly showed at trial, PICA fails even under the Seventh Circuit’s misguided test that conflicts with binding Supreme Court precedent,” said FPC President Brandon Combs. “We will continue to fight forward until we eliminate every unconstitutional ban like this throughout the country. Further, we are optimistic that the Supreme Court will soon address bans like these in our Snope v. Brown case out of Maryland, which is pending the Court’s decision on our petition for certiorari. Gun owners across the United States should be confident that the ultimate victory on these issues is coming, likely soon.” Read more

Enter to Win a Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon 20ga Shotgun at GunBroker.com

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. —GunBroker.com, the world’s largest online marketplace for firearms, hunting, shooting, and outdoor products, is offering you the chance to upgrade your shotgun game with a Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon in 20 gauge.

From November 1 through November 30, 2024, users have the exclusive chance to enter and win a coveted Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon 20ga shotgun in this month’s sweepstakes giveaway.

The Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon shotgun is renowned for its balance, performance and elegance, making it a sought-after piece among sportsmen and sportswomen. With its finely crafted receiver, beautiful wood finish, and reliable performance, this shotgun is designed to meet the needs of both novice and seasoned hunters. This month’s sweepstakes is an unmissable event for anyone passionate about shooting sports and the outdoors.

How to Enter: To participate, simply visit www.GunBroker.com/sweepstakes and complete the entry form. Entry is free, and each participant has an equal chance of winning. The sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the United States who meet the eligibility criteria.

Appeal Brief Filed in FPC -Backed Lawsuit Challenging School’s Ban on Pro-Gun Speech

CINCINNATI– Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announces that a reply brief was filed with the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in C.S. v. McCrumb, an FPC-backed lawsuit challenging a Michigan public school’s ban on pro-gun speech. The brief can be viewed at firearmspolicy.org/mccrumb.

Under the Supreme Court’s “clearly established, settled authority, the School Officials’ speculative, after-the-fact hypothesizing about potential disruption was insufficient to justify their content-based command that [the student] remove a hat they did not like.”

“The First Amendment protects this public school student’s right to engage in peaceful speech in support of the Second Amendment. The Sixth Circuit should make that clear by holding that the school violated her rights and reversing the district court’s absurd ruling,” said FPC President Brandon Combs. Read more

FPC, FPCAF File Brief in ATF Pistol Brace Rule Appeal

NEW ORLEANS – Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and FPC Action Foundation (FPCAF) announced the filing of their brief with the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Mock v. Garland, their lawsuit challenging the ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule. The brief defends the Organizations’ victory at the district court and asks the Fifth Circuit to uphold that victory. The brief and other case documents, including the district court’s final judgment vacating the rule, can be viewed at firearmspolicy.org/mock.

“The district court correctly held that the Final Rule is arbitrary and capricious because the Agencies reversed a longstanding position without meaningful explanation and drafted a rule with vague standards,” argues the brief. “The Final Rule also violates the Second Amendment because it lacks sufficient historical support to survive the test set forth in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. And by legislating where Congress chose not to, the Agencies defied the Constitution’s structural protections set forth in the Take Care Clause and articulated in the Delegation Doctrine.”

“We are proud to defend American gun owners in this important appeal. The ATF’s pistol brace ban is clearly unlawful and the government continues to lose this case, yet the Biden-Harris administration refuses to end its assault on you and your rights. The Fifth Circuit should affirm the district court’s judgment and stop this insane government overreach without delay,” said FPC President Brandon Combs. “As we’ve done in other cases, we will take this case to the Supreme Court if needed to end the government’s immoral enforcement of an unconstitutional regulation.” Read more

Michigan Firearms Deer Season’s Five-Day Quiet Period Begins Sunday

Throughout Michigan, hunters are preparing stands, blinds and camps for the upcoming firearm deer season, which begins Friday, Nov. 15. Although there’s understandable excitement ahead of the opener, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources reminds everyone to respect the state’s five-day quiet period, Nov. 10-14.

During these five days, unless hunting for small game, waterfowl or fur harvesting, it is unlawful to transport or possess a rifle or shotgun with buckshot, slug load, ball load or cut shell in an area frequented by deer. Unloaded firearms securely encased or carried in the trunk of a vehicle may be transported to or from a hunting camp.

“Hunters know that they are on the cusp of another Michigan firearm deer season once we enter into the five-day quiet period,” said Capt. Pete Wright, DNR Law Enforcement Division. “Those critical days create a window of time, just before the opener, when hunters can catch their breath and the woods have a chance to calm.

“This period is like pushing a reset button, allowing deer to settle back into their day-to-day patterns, which in turn increases the chances of a successful hunt.” Read more

Streamlight Launches Stinger 2020 S

Permits Simultaneous Charging of Light and Spare Battery for Long Work Shifts

Eagleville, PA – Streamlight®, Inc., a leading provider of high-performance lighting, launched the rechargeable Stinger® 2020 S, a powerful work light featuring 2,000 lumens, a body-mounted switch with intensity mode selector and battery status indicator, and a textured body for an enhanced grip. The new Stinger model, which is powered by a rechargeable Li-Ion battery, also features PiggyBack® charging options that allow users to energize both the light and a backup battery at the same time.

“While the original Stinger 2020 revolutionized the idea of a super-bright, rechargeable work light, this newest model features the added benefit of being compatible with a PiggyBack charger, which ensures users will never be without a spare battery when using the light for a full work shift,” said Streamlight Chief Revenue Officer, Michael F. Dineen. “Like the original Stinger 2020, its easy-to-use mode selector switch eliminates the need to cycle between modes with each use, and its ergonomic flat design lets you hold the light without losing your grip. It’s an ideal work light for automotive and industrial technicians, first responders and outdoor users alike.”

The new light is powered by a single Stinger 2020 S 5,200mAh protected Li-Ion rechargeable battery pack. It can be charged inside the light with existing Stinger chargers or via a PiggyBack charger that simultaneously charges an extra battery, doubling the run time. A 5-unit bank charger is also available. Read more

WSF: Colorado Proposition 127, a Wake-Up Call

Bozeman, Montana. Colorado’s Proposition 127, which would have banned hunting mountain lions, bobcats, and lynx, failed at the ballot box. The Wild Sheep Foundation applauds the efforts of all those who stepped up and supported those who worked tirelessly to defeat this misguided anti-wildlife measure but cautions that scientific wildlife management that works for people and wildlife still has a target on its back.

“As an organization committed to ensuring that the most successful model for wildlife conservation devised by man continues to pay dividends, we’re pleased that the citizens of a state turned out to defeat this measure,” said Gray N. Thornton, President and CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation. “Still, we’re concerned that conservation, which means properly managing the entire ecosystem, not just one species, and the proud traditions of regulated hunting that supports this system will continue to be under attack. Our other concern is that while some did, not enough sportsmen, other conservation organizations, and companies that depend on sportsmen and public hunting engaged in defeating this initiative. Our community must remain vigilant and proactive.”

In September, the Wild Sheep Foundation contributed $100,000 to Colorado’s Wildlife Deserve Better to help in their fight to defeat this ballot initiative. Read more

GOA: Pro-Gun Candidates Sweep Elections

ELECTION 2024: The Second Amendment Was on the Ballot—And the Second Amendment Won

Washington, D.C. – Gun Owners of America (GOA) spokesmen issued the following statements in response to outlets calling the presidential race for Donald Trump early this morning:

“Kamala Harris would have continued weaponizing the power of government against the Second Amendment rights of the People,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President. “We’re thrilled to be charting a far different and brighter course with President Trump, who has promised to repeal the Biden-Harris infringements within his first week in office. Rather than going on defense, we’re already preparing to help the Trump Administration repeal gun control and restore Second Amendment rights.”

In addition to the White House, America elected a pro-gun Senate majority, which will open the gates even further for GOA’s No Compromise lobbying efforts. Additionally, this Senate will support the confirmation of numerous federal judges who will support and defend the Second Amendment.

Major GOA victories included Senator Ted Cruz’s successful reelection in Texas, and the defeat of anti-gun lobbyist Ryan Busse in his bid for Governor of Montana. Read more

Sportsmen Win 2-1 on Ballot Propositions

While headlines for Tuesday’s general election primarily focused on the presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial races, voters were faced with state ballot proposals that directly impact hunters, anglers, and trappers in Colorado and Florida. We can rejoice in victory in 2 out of 3 of these critical ballot fights.

In Colorado, sportsmen enjoyed a major win and a disappointing loss. For a major victory against animal extremist groups, Proposition 127 failed by over 10 points in Tuesday’s election! Prop. 127 would have banned hunting and trapping of mountain lions, bobcats, and lynx in the state. The voters directly rejected the emotional and misleading appeals by animal extremist ideologues and sent them packing on their anti-hunting initiative. The strong NO vote was despite millions of dollars being spent by anti-hunting groups to get 127 on the ballot and before the voters.

For the loss, Proposition KK will institute a new 6.5% tax on firearms, firearm parts, and ammunition, presumably to “pay” for the criminal misuse of firearms. This tax is a direct attack on lawful hunters and recreational shooters in the state and many groups, including the Sportsmen’s Alliance, are reviewing potential legal action to challenge the measure as a violation of our fundamental rights.

In Florida voters made it abundantly clear that hunting and fishing are fundamental rights for citizens of the Sunshine State. Florida voters approved Amendment 2, protecting a right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, by an astounding 67% yes vote. Read more

Trump…Making Liberals Cry Again

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

Anti-American, gun-grabbing anti-Constitutionalist liberals can sit back and watch America’s revitalization take place right under Kamala’s nose.

If Kamala Harris’ intention to promote the notion of mandatory gun buy-backs is not anti-Second Amendment – another dance around the Constitution – then how could she square her forked-tongue language that she didn’t want to take anyone’s guns?

She and her ilk will have plenty of time to cry a river.

Let’s go hunting!

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