Ruger Announces Pending Purchase of Third Manufacturing Facility

SOUTHPORT, Conn.–Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) announces that it plans to open its third manufacturing plant, a 220,000 square foot facility in Mayodan, North Carolina. This will be the Company’s first major expansion in over 25 years and it is expected to be finalized in August.
The Company currently employs over 2,000 people in its two plants in Newport, New Hampshire and Prescott, Arizona.

National Education Association Vice President: NRA, Second Amendment Supporters “Are Going to Hell”

On the previous post, it’s no wonder why some teachers get bent out of shape when a youngster expresses any type of support for gun rights when their leaders think this way…

Speaking to all 3,000 of the assembled “progressive activists” at this year’s Netroots Nation conference, National Education Association vice president Lily Eskelsen Garcia boldly declared a “prophecy” about the eternal destiny of NRA and Second Amendment supporters, and of politicians and lobbyists working to promote gun rights:  “I’m not an ordained minister; I’m not a theologian, but these guys are going to hell.”

Case Against Student Who Wore NRA T-Shirt to School Dismissed

On June 27th, in a positive resolution to a case which has captured the attention of advocates for First and Second Amendment rights, the case against 14-year-old Logan Middle School Honor Student Jared Marcum of Logan, W.V., was dismissed with prejudice.  Marcum had been charged with obstructing an officer following an incident stemming from a Logan Middle School faculty member’s reaction to Marcum wearing to school an NRA t-shirt featuring the words “Protect Your Right” and an image of a semiautomatic rifle. The charge against Jared carried a possible sentence of incarceration. Read more

Colorado gun laws take effect amid final rush for ammo

New limits on ammunition magazines and universal background check requirements  take effect in Colorado on Monday, even as county sheriffs fight to overturn the  signature pieces of state Democrats’ gun control legislation.

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