Tell Your Senator: Support Conservation Funding!
Hunters, anglers and trappers are the original conservationists. We fund Michigan’s conservation efforts through license fees and excise taxes on sporting equipment. Governor Snyder’s proposed license package would simplify the license system and raise over $18 million per year for the habitat and enforcement work that supports our outdoor activities.
As part of the Governor’s license package, the DNR released a list of outcomes from increasing hunting and fishing license revenue, with the bulk going toward additional fish and wildlife habitat work, fish stocking, and more conservation officers. They’re asking for a strategic investment in our state’s fish and wildlife by hunters,anglers and trappers and they’re being open and transparent with how they’ll invest it.
We have an opportunity to maintain, improve and provide more great opportunities to hunt, fish and trap. The bill containing the license structure changes passed the House of Representatives yesterday by an overwhelming bipartisan 77-32 vote. The bill now goes to the Senate. Read more