M1 Garand rifles and M1 carbines from South Korea Coming?

U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo) introduced H.R. 2247, the Collectible Firearms Protection Act.  The bill reverses a State Department decision to block the importation of historic M1 Garand rifles and M1 carbines from South Korea.  Originally furnished by the United States to South Korea for military purposes over 50 years ago, the rifles are widely sought collectors’ items and among the most popular rifles in marksmanship competitions.  The rifles are perfectly legal to manufacture and sell in the United States and like all firearm imports would be subject to the federal rules and regulations governing retail firearm sales.  A similar sale from South Korea was approved during the Reagan Administration.  The current State Department’s interference with the sale runs counter to the intent of Congress, which on two prior occasions amended the law to allow for this kind of transaction.

“It’s disappointing that legislation is even necessary to allow U.S. citizens to access perfectly legal and regulated firearms, in this case storied, U.S.-made rifles that are pieces of U.S. military history,” Rep. Lummis said. “This is a political stunt on the part of the State Department, pure and simple, while denying the exercise of Second Amendment rights by law-abiding citizens, firearm collectors, and competitive marksman.  The State Department has no business blocking domestic firearm ownership; they are way out of bounds and my legislation will put them back in their place.”

Hunting and Fishing Excise Taxes: Big Benefits for American Business

Imagine a business investment that yields a return of more than 1,000 percent. If you were to guess the industry where such a return on investment (ROI) was possible, most people would guess energy, technology, defense or medical industries or even that historic standby, real estate. But they would be wrong. Such investments are a reality, however, in the sportfishing, hunting and shooting sports industries courtesy of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration programs. Thanks to those programs, hunting manufacturers have enjoyed a 1,100 percent return on funds invested in generating improved hunting opportunities, while sportfishing-based companies have witnessed an amazing 2,157 percent. Read more

Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance

GW:  This from the NRA and I couldn’t agree more…

We’ve been reporting very regularly on ridiculous cases involving over-zealous school officials misinterpreting and wrongly enforcing “zero-tolerance” rules.

In March, we reported on an outrageous case of a seven-year-old Baltimore, Md. student who, according to a March 2, Daily Caller article, was suspended for two days for the nefarious act of shaping a breakfast pastry into what his teacher thought looked like a gun.  Yes, a breakfast pastry. Read more

Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their families, and establish Gun Free Zones around them

Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some politicians wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians.

Check out the petition and/or sign it here…  and good luck getting a response.

Bill Allowing Certain Rifles in Shotgun Zone Moves to Senate

GW:  This bill died last year but should make it through this time around.  Perception can be altered through education, if substantive resistance from the public becomes an issue.  From the MUCC…

Hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts are one step closer to seeing the ability to use a rifle loaded with straight walled pistol cartridges in Michigan’s shotgun zone during the firearm deer season.

In recent weeks, Michigan’s House of Representatives passed HB 4283, sponsored by Rep. Matt Lori (R-Constantine), which would allow a number of certain cartridges to be used in rifles in Michigan’s southern limited firearms area, more commonly called the “shotgun zone” during the firearm deer season. The measure seeks to bring Michigan in line with surrounding states like Indiana, and could potentially get more women and youth participating in firearm season in the shotgun zone. Read more

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