Elite Survival Systems’ Belt Slide Cartridge Carrier

Get one of these cartridge holders for your belt. The belt cartridge carriers are made to be worn on belts up to 2.25″ wide. The ammo belt holder is constructed of 1000 denier nylon with elastic loops for cartridges. These cartridge belt slides are available in three sizes to fit pistol, rifle or shotgun cartridges.

MSRP – $ 14.95

Elite Survival Systems® is your source for premium nylon holsters, tactical gear, and accessories. Don’t just SURVIVE. THRIVE.™ To see complete product lines, visit www.elitesurvival.com or call 866-340-2778.”

RCBS ChargeMaster Supreme Accelerates Accurate Reloading

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. –– RCBS®, the leading manufacturer of ammunition reloading equipment for rifles and pistols, has announced the introduction of the new ChargeMaster™ Supreme powder dispenser. Taking reloading to the next level, the ChargeMaster Supreme combines RCBS precision with automatic adjustments and Bluetooth® compatibility to make reloading easier than ever.

The RCBS ChargeMaster Supreme features a Proprietary Learning Mode which uses a unique feedback loop and algorithms to automatically adjust dispensing speeds and stop points. This two-minute process allows the Supreme to learn the unique characteristics of the powder being dispensed. Once it has been ran, normal sized charges will typically dispense in less than 15 seconds.

“The Chargemaster Supreme is the next evolution in powder dispenser technology,” said Will Hemeyer, Sr. Product Manager for RCBS. “Our patent pending learn process is quick, efficient and easy to use. This function makes sure your powder throws are optimized to the powder you are using, plus the process only takes a few minutes to run and once it does your dispense times are significantly reduced. The Chargemaster Supreme is sure to be the only dispenser most handloaders will need on their bench.”

In addition, the ChargeMaster Supreme is Bluetooth compatible, which allows the user to dispense charges and operate the dispenser hands-free from their phone with the newly redesigned RCBS app. The updated app also offers a virtual reloading bench, a comprehensive load data log, and convenient access to the technical service team to help answer any technical questions a handloader might have.

The ChargeMaster Supreme boasts 0.1-grain accuracy and a 1500-grain load cell capacity. The unit can run on an external battery, meaning reloaders can operate it at home or in the field without being tied to power cords. Read more

RCBS Launches Improved Reloading App

RCBS App for iOS and Android Puts More Precision at Shooters’ Fingertips

OROVILLE, Calif. –– RCBS®, the leading manufacturer of ammunition reloading equipment for rifles and pistols, is pleased to announce the launch of its new and improved RCBS app, now available to download free for both Apple and Android devices.

The recently released app goes above and beyond with the ability to work across the entire lineup of RCBS Bluetooth-enabled dispensers: MatchMasterChargeMaster Supreme and ChargeMaster Link. With the app at a user’s fingertips, calibrating any of these dispensers is a breeze. Read more

Bob Blaine wins ABRA Nationals with Lapua Center-X Ammo

GW: Best .22 rimfire I’ve ever used, too. Exceptional consistency.

Sedalia, MO – Congratulations to Bob Blaine for winning Factory Class of the Auto-Benchrest Association (ABRA) 2021 Nationals. Blaine won using his blueprinted 10/22 target rifle firing Lapua Center-X ammunition. The Center-X was test-fired and matched to his platform at the Lapua Rifle Performance Center in Marengo, OH.

Blaine commented, “The Lapua Performance Center was an experience like no other. They tested several different lots of Center-X, allowed me to view group sizes at 50 and 100 meters simultaneously, and then helped identify the best performer in my platform. This gave me the confidence to succeed, knowing if I paid attention to the wind and range conditions, I could bring home the win. A game-changer for any rimfire competitor!” Read more

Is it Time to Squirrel Away Some Ammo?

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

Afghanistan, Covid, border chaos, violent rioting, pain at the pumps, inflation, national debt, lockdowns, natural disasters, government mandates, unemployment, and empty store shelves are all headline-grabbing issues that are altering our lifestyle behaviors.  Yet, life goes on.  Is it any wonder that people are enjoying the freedom offered by our great outdoors like never before?

As Americans rediscover their roots among the solitude of our natural resources, many have learned that campgrounds are filled and motels are booked up months in advance.  Abnormality is the norm.  Who would ever have thought people would stock more toilet paper in their homes than the local cheap mart?

With Michigan’s hunting season upon us, a continuing dilemma faces those that want to get away from it all:  ammo shortages.  Yes, there is hoarding – some of it for profiteering and some of it evolves from fear of future shortages, which fosters self-fulfilling prophecies.

More and more people are entering the firearms market daily.  The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the firearm industry trade association, surveyed firearm retailers recently, and estimates that over 3.2 million people purchased firearms for the first time during the first half of 2021.

The survey was conducted to learn the buying habits and factors of this year’s firearm purchasers during the first six months of 2021. Respondents indicated that 33.2 percent of customers, or 3,247,351, purchased firearms for the first time, based on June’s total of nearly 9.8 million background checks for gun sales.  The more politicians scare the public with gun-control rhetoric, the more they get what they don’t purport to want.  People aren’t buying the sermons, either; they’re buying guns.

With that said, we are getting a basic lesson in economics – one that I learned in high school.  “This survey shows that there is a continuing demand signal for firearms from the American public,” said Joe Bartozzi, NSSF President and CEO. “We witnessed each month background check figures associated with gun sales that are second only to those we saw in last year’s record-breaking totals. These survey results show not only is there a strong and healthy appetite from first-time gun buyers but that there is still room to grow.”

When we do find some ammo available, it comes with sticker shock.  At a recent flea market, I came upon a vendor selling ammunition.  He had a variety of calibers on his tables apparently taken from his personal stash and one familiar brick of .22 rimfire was among his offerings.  The price was a whopping $100.  Even I was startled, knowing full well the Remington Thunderbolt .22s are low-quality, mass-production fodder that typically has sold for about $20 in recent past.  Step right up!

To be fair, the same ammo was being sold at Williams Gun Sight last week for a mere $43/brick with a two-box limit.  Right there on the showroom floor was a pallet of the plinking ammo sure to be gobbled up at an exorbitant rate nobody would have paid a few short years ago.  MidwayUSA.com is getting a variety of ammo in stock now, too.  First, you may want to check the market price of gold, because it may be less per ounce.

With law enforcement budgets being cut indiscriminately and violent rioting in America’s cities making headlines, Americans’ demand for self-protection continues to soar with no end in sight.

As for me, I’ll be heading afield on Wednesday’s opening day of small game season with an old Mossberg rimfire rifle in search of bushytails.  There’s no better reason to break into that squirreled-away stash of Lapua Center X rimfire ammo.  If the Lone Ranger can shoot silver bullets, I can shoot some worth their weight in gold.

Remington Introduces Core-Lokt Tipped

Lonoke, Arkansas – – Remington Ammunition has announced the next generation of Big Green’s iconic deer hunting ammunition, Core-Lokt. For generations, American hunters have relied on Core-Lokt to put meat on the table and mounts on the wall. Now Remington is proud to announce that The Deadliest Mushroom in the Woods is getting even deadlier. New Core-Lokt Tipped brings improved accuracy and terminal performance to deer and big game enthusiasts across the country and around the world. Multiple centerfire rifle calibers are shipping now.

Core-Lokt Tipped takes the Deadliest Mushroom long-range by offering new and improved accuracy paired with trusted Core-Lokt on-game performance. Thousands of rounds in development resulted in Core-Lokt Tipped’s combination of true flight and flatter trajectory with devastating terminal energy. This new ammunition is sure to be the choice of serious hunters and will be available in 13 popular calibers ranging from 243 Win. to 300 WSM. Read more

Winchester Digital Platform for First-Time Ammunition and Firearms Buyers

EAST ALTON, Ill. —Winchester announces the launch of its new digital platform on Winchester.com built specifically for first-time ammunition and firearms buyers as well as those just getting started in the shooting sports and hunting.

“More than 12 million people since the beginning of 2020 purchased a firearm for the first time, and that is in addition to the more than 56 million people in the U.S. who currently target shoot,” said Matt Campbell, vice president of sales and marketing for Winchester Ammunition. “As an industry leader, we are committed to helping educate people about the many topics surrounding firearms, ammunition, safety and more. More and more people want to participate in the shooting sports and hunting. Our audience is diverse and growing, and this platform will be an excellent resource.” Read more

RCBS ChargeMaster Link with Bluetooth Delivers Hands-Free Reloading

RCBS® ChargeMaster Link with Bluetooth® Delivers Hands-Free Reloading

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. –– RCBS®, the leading manufacturer of ammunition reloading equipment for rifles and pistols, has announced the introduction of the new ChargeMaster™ Link powder dispenser. The Link is built off the rock-solid load cell and electronics found in the popular RCBS ChargeMaster Lite, but now offers best-in-class Bluetooth® technology to make reloading easier than ever. Read more

Berger Issues Safety Notice for 223 Remington 77 Grain OTM Tactical Ammunition

Mesa, AZ – Berger’s Load Development Team has determined that some 223 Remington 77 Grain OTM Tactical (Product # 65-23030) cartridges from Lot # P002745, P002745-1, P002745-2 & P002745-3 may cause function/ignition issues with AR-style gas operating platforms. Bolt action rifles are not affected.

Berger Ammunition Lot # P002745, P002745-1, P002745-2 & P002745-3 223 Remington 77 Grain OTM Tactical ammunition, Item #65-23030 was shipped to retailers on April 2nd, 2021 to April 22nd, 2021. Read more

Winchester Ammunition Awarded FBI Sniper Contract

EAST ALTON, Ill. — Winchester Ammunition is the award recipient of an exclusive 308 Winchester/7.62×51 NATO contract from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). With a five-year term and a value threshold of $5 million, the contract is the first of its kind in this caliber and is established in support of the FBI’s prestigious sniper program.

The Winchester 169-grain Sierra® boat tail hollow point .308 Winchester cartridge was selected as the sole source for deployment by the FBI after undergoing the agency’s rigorous testing protocol and examination process. The skillfully engineered Winchester .308 round was designated by the FBI as the overall best value product based on several important criteria.

“To the East Alton and Oxford teams responsible for this great win, thank you for your diligent work on this competitive and highly technical project,” said Brett Flaugher, president of Winchester. “This victory speaks to the talents and expertise of our team and I am very proud to see Winchester being selected once again by a premier national security organization such as the FBI.”

As the world’s largest small caliber ammunition enterprise, Winchester has supported America’s military, federal government and law enforcement for more than a century. It is an honor to carry on this legacy and continue to serve the brave men and women of the FBI via this award. Read more

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