Testing Bullet Integrity

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

Ethical deer hunters demand accuracy from their firearms and ammunition and go to great lengths to get it.  Many hours spent at the range in search of perfection can be a satisfying experience, as groups shrink to an acceptable size.  Because perfection is never really achieved, a certain amount of “good-enough” logic must be applied to come to any conclusion.

We may purchase ammo based on what others have said about it, or in some instances by merely appearances.  Today’s tipped bullets may be one such example, much like glitzy fishing lures designed to catch the eye of the buyers.  However, there is another aspect of ethics in play here beyond accuracy:  bullet integrity.  And, it is this component in a cartridge that is often ignored.

Ammunition manufacturers make claims about their designs and differences touting their products’ unique ability to retain weight, to penetrate sufficiently, and to expand upon impact – most desirable features for several reasons.  Because most of Michigan’s hunters are looking to put meat on the table, it doesn’t make much sense to destroy much of it with bullets that are more suited for varmint hunting.  For that very reason, I have tested various ammunition to get past the advertisers’ hype and what I’ve discovered recently was eye-opening.

The trick is to fire bullets into something that will hold them, allowing the shooter to extract and examine them.  While ballistic gel is commonly used for this purpose, it is expensive and somewhat cumbersome to reuse it.  I’m not against it for any other reason than my innate cheapness, so I repurpose wet newsprint/magazines tied in bundles instead.  Although not necessarily scientific, I get a reasonable facsimile of performance when comparisons are made weighing and measuring recovered bullets.

Here is an account of my latest experiment, which drives home the point of bullet integrity.  I had inherited some old-school Remington bronze point ammunition in .300 Winchester Magnum and was amazed to see that it would pass through a 5/8-inch thick steel plate at 250 yards.

It had become time to see how the ammo performed in my test, as described. For comparison, another handload with Nosler’s time-tested Partition bullets would be the competitor.  Both were shot through a chronograph with the bronze point speeding along at 3008 feet-per-second (fps) and the Partition bullet at 2850 fps directly into the bundles.

Peeling back layers of paper we searched for the Remington bronze point and found an enormous wound channel – about the size of a golf ball.  At the end of the line was a small fragment of the 180-grain bullet – not even worth measuring or weighing, because most of it had disintegrated into parts unknown.  And, because of what it did to steel, I assumed it would be the toughest of the pair and remain relatively intact.  So much for assumptions.

The Nosler Partition bullet, fired under the same conditions, was retrieved in a perfect mushroom shape twice its original diameter and largely intact with recovered weight at 150 grains or 83 percent of its original weight.  Plus, the mushrooming effect produced a wound channel over twice its original diameter.

Recovered Nosler Partition Bullets

Penetration of the two offerings was similar, so the question is which bullet would a hunter prefer?  Of course, there will be different answers based on a hunter’s objective when heading afield.  But, without such a test, we’d never know if a particular bullet fits our needs.

Someday the ammo supply will be such that smart hunters would be wise to purchase different samples in an effort to unwrap the mystery of their projectiles.  The experiment is easy, inexpensive, fun, and practical with the possibility of opening some eyes.

Big Green Ammo is Back On Shelf

Lonoke, Arkansas –– Remington, America’s iconic ammunition manufacturer, recently released a video giving shooters and hunters an update on the company’s Arkansas manufacturing plant. Following the company’s recent “Where’s the Ammo” video, Remington Ammunition President Jason Vanderbrink is back to give another update on Big Green’s increasing output.

In the video, Vanderbrink reaffirms the company’s commitment to quality, safety, and increasing production while showing where Remington ammo has recently been found on-shelf across the country.

“Our team knows we’ve got work to do.” said Vanderbrink. “We’re continuing to hire local manufacturing jobs, continuing to produce ammo 24/7, and continuing to revitalize Big Green as more ammo goes out the door daily.”

Interested shooters, hunters and reloaders are encouraged to follow Remington on YouTube for future updates.

To be the first to hear about product availability, exciting new products and everything Remington ammo, visitors to www.remington.com are encouraged to sign up for Remington’s e-newsletter or follow Remington on social media.

Winchester Ammunition Recall

Olin Winchester, LLC is recalling the following lots of 9mm Luger 115 grain Full Metal Jacket and 115 grain Jacketed Hollow Point pistol ammunition.


Symbols: Q4172, RED9, USA9JHP, USA9MMVP, USA9W, WW9B

Lot Numbers:
SC03LD44, SC03LD45, SC03LD46, SC03LD47
SC13LD1, SC13LD6, SC13LD18, SC13LD44, SC13LD45, SC13LD46, SC13LD47
SC52LD44, SC52LD45, SC52LD46, SC52LD47
SC62LD44, SC62LD45, SC62LD46, SC62LD47
SC72LD44, SC72LD45, SC72LD46, SC72LD47
SC92LD44, SC92LD45, SC92LD46, SC92LD47
SD10LD1, SD10LD3, SD10LD6, SC10LD12, SD10LD18, SD10LD46, SD10LD47
SD50LD1, SD50LD3, SD50LD6, SD50LD11, SD50LD12, SD50LD18, SD50LD46, SD50LD47
SD60LD1, SD60LD3, SD60LD6, SD60LD11, SD60LD12, SD60LD18
SD70LD1, SD70LD3, SD70LD6, SD70LD11, SD70LD12, SD70LD18
SD80LD1, SD80LD3, SD80LD6, SD80LD11, SD80LD12, SD80LD18

The Symbol designations and locations of the Lot Numbers are depicted in the photographs below.

NOTE: If ammunition of the above Symbols was purchased before March 25, 2021, it is NOT subject to the recall. Read more

Beretta USA Brings Sako Cartridges to the US

Accokeek, MD – Beretta USA is excited to announce the launch of a brand-new generation of Sako Cartridges into the US market. This launch will include six new and innovative cartridge families developed by Sako, including TRG Precision, the innovative, lead-free Powerhead Blade, Gamehead Pro, Gamehead, Speedhead, and Super Hammerhead.

Since 1928, Sako Cartridges has strived to maintain the same uncompromising combination of performance & craftsmanship found in their rifles. Utilizing the latest computer aided R&D and CNC manufacturing methods, each case goes through a series of automatic and manual inspections to ensure the high-quality cases become the most accurate and consistent cartridges available to the modern shooter.

In addition, due to a proprietary heat treatment method and zero impurities of the case material, Sako cartridges have the industry’s highest reloadability and pressure resistance, maximizing the lifespan and safety of any rifle.

“The whole team at Sako is excited to introduce our range of ammunition into the US market. With a diverse group of products including the TRG line of Precision Cartridges and the innovative Powerhead Blade lead free family, Sako Cartridges are made using world class components to give reliability, accuracy, and repeatability – no matter if you’re on the range or in the back country,” Phillip Jones, Rifle, Ammunition, and Premium Guns Product Manager, said.

The TRG Precision is an open tip, boat tail match bullet developed solely for competition and precision long-range shooting. Using only the finest components, the TRG Precision provides the ultimate consistency and extreme accuracy and is available in .260 Rem, 6.5 Creedmoor, .308 Win, .338 Lapua Mag.

The new lead-free Powerhead Blade was developed to meet the needs of the most demanding hunters. With its Blade Tip, 100% pure ductile copper, and 5-Stage terminal architecture, the Sako Powerhead Blade offers excellent performance for various game sizes and is available in 6.5 Creedmoor, .300 Win Mag, .30-06 SPRG, and .308 Win. Read more

Federal: Gould Brothers Break World Record

ANOKA, Minnesota – There is a new distance record for breaking a clay target with a shotgun load following an epic day at a rural Minnesota farm. Federal Ammunition sponsored shooters Steve and Aaron Gould, who make up the popular Gould Brothers exhibition team, broke their own record not once but twice outside Osakis, Minnesota on a cold and windy day this spring.

“We are always trying to push the limits of what is possible, and we knew that Federal’s TSS would be the round to make it possible to break a clay pigeon at further distances than we had in the past,” exclaimed Steve Gould.

The previous record was 160 yards set several years back by the duo of brothers. Now with Federal, and having the world’s leading shotshell manufacturer backing them, a new record was ready to be set. The Gould Brothers teamed up with Federal’s Adam Moser, lead shotshell engineer, to better understand the capabilities of Heavyweight TSS in both 7 and 9 shot sizes at extreme ranges.

“The #7 TSS has a significant advantage at 170 yards over the #5 lead at 160 yards. Three times the pellet energy and 100+ more pellets in the payload,” stated Moser, when explaining the differences between Heavyweight TSS and the previously lead load used to set the record. Read more

Berger’s Emil Praslick Hosts Kestrel Ballistics’ Wind Reading Class

Mesa, AZ – Berger’s Mil/LE Business Development Manager and “Wind Wizard”, Emil Praslick, will join Kestrel Ballistics to host a virtual Wind Reading class on Tuesday, May 25 at 3PM EST.

Kestrel Ballistics offers virtual classes to help shooters learn how to make the most of their Kestrel weather meters, maximize their time at the range, and advance their shooting capabilities to the next level.

“I am really looking forward to this class and discussing how to best use the powerful capabilities of the Kestrel. There are a number of different strategies used to determine your wind and engage targets, and I’ll talk about how the Kestrel complements those processes,” commented Emil Praslick.

For more information on Kestrel Ballistics’ Virtual Classes and to sign up for the Wind Reading class with Emil Praslick, visit kestrelballistics.com/classes.

About Berger
Berger manufactures precision projectiles and match-grade ammunition for Target, Hunting and Tactical applications in Mesa, AZ. Berger is part of the Capstone Precision Group, the exclusive U.S. distributor for Berger, Lapua, Vihtavuori and SK-Rimfire products. For more information, visit Bergerbullets.com.

Winchester Ammunition Awarded U.S. Army Contract

EAST ALTON, Ill. — Winchester has been selected by the U.S. Army as the second source provider for small caliber rifle ammunition. This most recent contract is for 5.56mm, 7.62mm and 50 caliber ammunition with an initial order of $37 million and is the third consecutive second source contract Olin Winchester has received.

“Winning this contract, combined with being selected as the operating contractor at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, solidifies Winchester’s position supplying small caliber ammunition to the U.S. military,” said Brett Flaugher, president of Winchester.

“Winchester has proven time and again that we can meet and exceed the exacting standards required by our military customers,” said Kevin Noonan, director of military programs and strategy. “The reason you see Winchester continue to win these contracts is because we are delivering quality, cost-effective products on time.”

Winchester is the world leader in the development, production and supply of advanced, high-performance small caliber ammunition. Since World War I, Winchester has been the U.S. Army’s largest commercial supplier of small caliber ammunition and has met the needs of law enforcement and U.S armed forces with decades of support at the highest levels.

CMP Ammunition Warning

Dear CMP Family,

The CMP advises to not use .30/06 ammunition in M1 Garands, 1903s, and 1903A3s that is loaded beyond 50,000 CUP and has a bullet weight more than 172-174gr. These rifles are at least 70 years old and were not designed for max loads and super heavy bullets. Always wear hearing and eye protection when firing an M1 Garand, 1903 and/or 1903A3 rifle.

This warning is an update/addition to the Ammunition section in the Read This First manual enclosed with each rifle shipment (M1 Garand manual-page 6 and M1903 manual-page 10).

Civilian Marksmanship Program

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto www.TheCMP.org.

NovX Pentagon-Series Personal Defensive Ammunition

Available First Exclusively at Midway USA

NovX™, the industry leader in advanced-technology ammunition, has launched a new line of personal defense handgun ammunition, available first exclusively at Midway USA. The Pentagon defense cartridge was developed to provide maximum terminal performance for defensive, concealed carry applications.

Building on the NovX reputation for innovative, field-proven personal protection ammunition for civilians and law enforcement, the just-released Pentagon cartridge establishes new benchmarks in terminal performance for handgun ammunition.

The Pentagon line of handgun ammo centers on a monolithic copper hollow point design specifically engineered for controlled expansion on impact, maximizing penetration while delivering optimal hydrostatic shock. These environmentally safe, lead-free projectiles deliver petal expansion up to twice the bullet diameter. The Pentagon’s higher velocities and greater impact energy than conventional composite bullets are credited to the monolithic copper bullet’s lighter weight and the NovX patented 2-piece stainless steel cartridge case design. The net result is a defensive cartridge that is lighter to carry concealed, easier to shoot, provides for fast sight picture acquisition on follow-up shots through reduced muzzle flip, and superior terminal performance to quickly end defensive engagements. Read more

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