Of HSUS and Veganism

This from the Center for Consumer Freedom

Lifting the Mask on HSUS’s Veganism

The Humane Society of the United States (not to be confused with your local pet shelter) doesn’t often come out and openly demand that you “go vegan” like its comrades at PETA do. Shoot, HSUS even let a boutique meat producer sign on to one of its recent op-eds. So is HSUS really on the side of the 99 percent of Americans who aren’t vegan? Is HSUS just a bunch of misunderstood animal activists instead of anti-meat zealots? Read more

HSUS Threatens Lawsuit to Overturn Western Great Lakes Wolf Delisting

(Columubs, OH) – On Monday, October 15th, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and its Fund for Animals filed a 60-day notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the removal of the Western Great Lakes region wolves from the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).  A 60-day notice of intent to sue is a required procedural step before filing a lawsuit against the Service under the Endangered Species Act. Read more

Obama Administration’s Transparency Clear as Mud

By  Glen Wunderlich

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was designed to help the recovery of endangered or threatened animal species.  One of the success stories has landed home – literally – as one of the world’s rarest birds, a lone whooping crane, has been spotted recently in Shiawassee County.  In year 1941 only 23 of these birds were known to exist in the entire world, but today some 437 of North America’s tallest birds are alive.

Although there’s room to debate how taxpayer dollars are spent, who’d argue against such a noble endeavor to save one of our most magnificent species?  Certainly, no politician would risk the ire of voters by diverting funds meant to save animals from extinction, but behind the scenes, legislation to introduce transparency in accounting for such funds has stalled without ever coming to a vote in the U.S. Senate, led by Harry Reid (D-Nevada). Read more

PETA Urging People to Break the Law?

Courtesy of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance.

There was no denying that PETA opposes hunting. Now the animal rights group also is on record urging people to violate laws-make that hunter harassment laws.
In an October 9, 2012 blog posting, PETA urges its minions to: “Help counter the cruelty of hunting in your area: Post “No Hunting” signs on your land and that of sympathetic neighbors and friends, join or form a local anti-hunting group, protest organized hunts, and spread deer repellent or human hair (from barber shops) near hunting areas. Also, before supporting any wildlife or conservation group, make sure that it opposes hunting.”

USSAF Files to Intervene in Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Lawsuit

Today, the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation along with Safari Club International, the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association, and the United Sportsmen of Wisconsin filed a motion to intervene in a Wisconsin lawsuit seeking to stop the use of dogs in the state’s wolf hunt.

The lawsuit, filed by a coalition of Wisconsin humane societies and several individuals against the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), claims that the use of dogs to hunt wolves violates the state’s animal cruelty law despite the fact that the animal cruelty law clearly states it does not apply to hunting.  The lawsuit also claims that the WDNR should have enacted strict rules on using dogs to pursue wolves.  These unnecessary restrictions would make it nearly impossible to effectively hunt wolves with dogs. Read more

Lawsuit Filed to Stop Minnesota Wolf Hunt

On Tuesday September 18th, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Minnesota-based group, Howling for Wolves, filed a lawsuit in the Minnesota Court of Appeals against the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). That lawsuit attempts to block the state’s upcoming wolf hunting and trapping season.  The anti’s are asking the Court to issue a preliminary injunction, seeking to stop the wolf season while the rest of the case is decided. Read more

Californian Hunters Rally Against AB-1221

SACRAMENTO-Special to The Outdoor Wire From Western Outdoor News —Hundreds of houndsmen and women and other conservationists and concerned interests showed up on the west steps of the State Capitol on Friday for a rally to urge Governor Brown to veto SB 1221, a bill that would ban the used of hounds for hunting bears and bobcats in California. The bill is currently on the Governor’s desk, awaiting a veto or signature. Read more

Humane Society Joins Hands with Infanticide-Promoting Professor

From the Center for Consumer Freedom…

The vegan Humane Society of the United States is on the move in New Jersey, pushing a bill in the legislature that would ban the use of individual maternity pens to house pregnant pigs. t

The Center for Consumer Freedom recently interviewed a veterinarian and an animal scientist who support the use of pens, as do hundreds of other experts. However, HSUS’s Paul Shapiro has an op-ed in the Star-Ledger with a rather curious co-author: controversial Princeton professor and Animal Liberation author Peter Singer. Read more

HumaneWatch and HSUS at Conference

HumaneWatch was in sunny San Diego last weekend at the 2012 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Convention. We had an exhibit booth in the main hall along with a plethora of companies promoting products to a few thousand veterinarians who attended the event. And to stir things up a bit, a Humane Society of the United States group had a booth, too.

AVMA Convention

It didn’t take long for our first visitor to stop by and say a kind word. It was an exhibitor, a few minutes before the hall opened on Saturday. He was from the veterinary technician field and said his company worked with a lot of hands-on local shelter, and was already “in the know” about the confusion between the Humane Society of the U.S. and local shelters and how little HSUS gives to shelters.

We figured it would be a fairly friendly crowd, but it definitely exceeded our expectations. Read more

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