Call Senator Debbie Stabenow today to help protect your right to hunt, fish, and shoot!
The most significant pro-sportsmen’s legislation of the past 15 years is now in the U.S. Senate. Michigan’s Senator Debbie Stabenow is one of a handful of Senators that can determine whether the bill makes it to President Barack Obama’s desk for his signature.
H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012, addresses top priority issues of the sportsmen’s community. The bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support on Tuesday, April 17th by a vote of 274-146. Read more on H.R. 4089 below.
Without Senator Stabenow’s support, the bill may not get a vote in the Senate! Michigan sportsmen should call Senator Stabenow today and ask her to support H.R. 4089.
Facing re-election, Senator Stabenow is in an influential position to push Senate leadership for a vote on the measure. Sportsmen need to call on the Senator to do just that.
Michigan sportsmen can help protect the future of hunting, fishing, and shooting by contacting Senator Stabenow and asking for her support. Contact Senator Stabenow at: Phone: (202) 224-4822 Online: Click here to contact Sen. Stabenow online.
The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012, H.R. 4089, would: Classify Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service lands as open to hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting unless closed or restricted based on scientific evidence; Confirm that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot ban lead in traditional ammunition or in sport fishing gear; Protect recreational shooting on BLM National Monument lands; and Allow the import of 41 legally hunted polar bear trophies tangled in federal red-tape. Read more