Two Studies Show Environmental Lawsuits Paid For By Program For Seniors, Veterans, and Small Business

– Government Not Accounting for Costs

MISSOULA, Mont. (May 2, 2012) Studies released independently by Notre Dame Law School and the Government Accountability Office show that environmental groups pad their claims for reimbursed legal fees using a social program entitled the Equal Access to Justice Act, and the U.S. is not keeping track of expenditures.

A Notre Dame law review article shows that a 1980 law intended for seniors, veterans, and small businesses is utilized by environmental groups to get pay-backs for their lawsuits as well. A GAO study shows that no one really knows how much money has been spent, but the amounts are at least several million dollars a year.

See the Notre Dame Law School study at the link below:

See the GAO study at the link below: Read more

Peregrine Falcons Get High Marks for Nesting

An experiment started more than 20 years ago to reintroduce peregrine falcons to Indiana is paying off with impressive numbers this spring.   Sixteen nesting attempts have been observed and seven of those sites so far have hatched chicks, including two from Indiana’s most prolific peregrine-Kinney. The 16 attempts are three more than in any previous year and an increase of four from last year. Read more

Michigan Senator is Key to Passage of Pro-Sportsmen Bill

Call Senator Debbie Stabenow today to help protect your right to hunt, fish, and shoot!

The most significant pro-sportsmen’s legislation of the past 15 years is now in the U.S. Senate.  Michigan’s Senator Debbie Stabenow is one of a handful of Senators that can determine whether the bill makes it to President Barack Obama’s desk for his signature.

H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012, addresses top priority issues of the sportsmen’s community.  The bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support on Tuesday, April 17th by a vote of 274-146.  Read more on H.R. 4089 below.

Without Senator Stabenow’s support, the bill may not get a vote in the Senate! Michigan sportsmen should call Senator Stabenow today and ask her to support H.R. 4089.

Facing re-election, Senator Stabenow is in an influential position to push Senate leadership for a vote on the measure.  Sportsmen need to call on the Senator to do just that.

Michigan sportsmen can help protect the future of hunting, fishing, and shooting by contacting Senator Stabenow and asking for her support.  Contact Senator Stabenow at: Phone:  (202) 224-4822 Online:  Click here to contact Sen. Stabenow online.

The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012, H.R. 4089, would: Classify Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service lands as open to hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting unless closed or restricted based on scientific evidence; Confirm that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot ban lead in traditional ammunition or in sport fishing gear; Protect recreational shooting on BLM National Monument lands; and Allow the import of 41 legally hunted polar bear trophies tangled in federal red-tape. Read more

Michigan Elk Poachers Sought

Officials are seeking information about elk poaching in Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula.   The Michigan Department of Natural Resources said that a bull elk was shot and killed in Otsego County during the week of April 19 and a pregnant cow elk was shot on or around March 14 in Montmorency County.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Gaylord Operations Center at (989) 732-3541 or the state’s poaching line at (800) 292-7800.

“Reality TV” for Birds–in High Def

GW:  Love this stuff!  Sometimes I just have it on with sound, while doing something else.  The audio is like an alarm when there’s some action.  Like the eaglecam, too at

Ithaca, NY–In a first for technology and for bird watching, thousands of people watched live this weekend as a tiny Great Blue Heron emerged from an egg in between its father’s gigantic feet. Read more

Texas Governor Urges Review of Idle Oil Rigs Policy

AUSTIN, TX – In a letter to U.S. Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Texas Governor Rick Perry is calling for a review of the federal government’s “Idle Iron” policy that threatens to dismantle what is regarded as the largest artificial reef system in the world. In the letter, Perry says that the policy, which orders non-producing oil and gas rigs and other structures in offshore waters to be removed within five years of the issuance of the directive, will have profound negative implications for marine fisheries and the local coastal communities and businesses that rely on the fishing opportunities that these structures provide in the Gulf. Read more

On Antler Restrictions in Northern Michigan

The Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) proposes to require that all antlered deer harvested in a 12-county northwest area must have at least three antler points on one side. Current regulations allow hunters to take bucks that have at least one antler that is 3 inches long or longer. The proposal would continue the current statewide requirement that hunters taking two bucks must ensure at least one of those bucks has four or more antler points on one side.

Certainly, some hunters are going to kick and scream, because of their shortsightedness; however, they’ll be singing another tune in a few years.  That’s what happens when the young bucks are permitted to grow to maturity.  More here…

Antis Spread Lies About Heritage Act

H.R. 4089 Provides Fundraising Bonanza for Extremist Groups

Posted on April 27, 2012

Anti-hunting and Environmental Lobby

Distort the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act to Raise Money

Following in the footsteps of the nation’s most powerful anti-hunting organization, a quartet of environmental groups wasted no time firing off fundraising appeals to fight HR 4089.  The bill, also called the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012, is the most significant pro-sportsmen legislation in 15 years.  The funding requests are full of lies, mischaracterizations and distortions.

Joining the Humane Society of the United States in this cynical attempt to cash in are the Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, The Wilderness Society and the National Parks Conservation Association.  Their fundraising appeals can be viewed by clicking on each group’s name.

Opponents falsely claim that the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act will: Read more

New Website Serves All Sportsmen

(Columbus) – To help and educate all hunters, anglers, trappers, recreational shooters, and persons with an interest in the great outdoors and conservation, the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance has launched “The Sportsmen’s Daily”—a new website covering all things outdoors. The new site focuses on issues and news around the nation and is updated frequently. Read more

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