Snowy Surprise: Hawk Eggs Hatch as Thousands Watch

Ithaca, New York–On Earth Day this past Sunday, two Red-tailed Hawk eggs began to hatch in a nest 70 feet above the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, New York. Thousands of viewers from around the world watched a live camera feed from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology online, waiting for the first glimpse of the chicks.
Then darkness fell, and snow began to fall.
“By morning, snow was piled high

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Michigan Senator is Key to Passage of Pro-Sportsmen Bill

The most significant pro-sportsmen’s legislation of the past 15 years is now in the U.S. Senate.  Michigan’s Senator Debbie Stabenow is one of a handful of Senators that can determine whether the bill makes it to President Barack Obama’s desk for his signature. Read more

RFA Calls for Continued Angler Boycott of Walmart

(4/23/2012) Two recent New York Times articles have put Wal-Mart and the Walton family’s dirty laundry in the international spotlight once again.   The incidents which focus on corporate greenwashing in the United States with Walton family support for anti-fishing efforts in North America, coupled with an alleged $24 million worth of bribes in Central America to speed up the chain’s expansion into Mexico, has the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) once again reminding of the ongoing angler boycott of Wal-Mart. Read more

USSA Talks Sportsmen’s Rights on C-SPAN

(Columbus, Ohio)- On Friday, April 20, 2012 U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Director of Federal Affairs, Bill Horn, appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal discussing Sportsmen’s Rights, and H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012.
Click here to watch the program. Check local television listings for C-SPAN rebroadcasts of this program. (
Click here for information on H.R. 4089. (

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A Review of HR 4089 – Sportsman’s Heritage Act of 2012

By Glen Wunderlich

Known as the Sportsman’s Heritage Act of 2012, HR 4089 has passed the U.S. House of Representatives and, if it continues on its path to becoming law, it may be the most important piece of legislation on behalf of sportsmen and women in decades.   H.R. 4089 is actually the compilation of four bills, all designed to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting: Read more

The Flex Cam for Hunts

The Flex Cam is a game changer for anyone who desires to share his or her outdoor experience. Thanks to the Flex Cam Firearm Adapter, shotgun hunters can now film all of their hunts by themselves, which is especially convenient when hunting weary spring gobblers. Bringing a cameraman along has its perks, but remaining concealed and going undetected is much easier when hunting alone.

The Flex Cam is as easy and convenient as it gets. Attach the device onto your gun with the Firearm Adapter, and simply snap in your video-capable phone or small camcording device. Once it is installed, all you have to do is hit record, sit back and wait for that trophy of a lifetime to come strolling by. Weighing less than 7oz,. this easily adjustable device is a must-have in any season for all hunters. Read more

Great Lakes Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Stop Asian Carp

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Great Lakes lawmakers in both chambers of Congress have introduced bipartisan legislation to prevent Asian carp and other invasive species from entering the Great Lakes and destroying the Lakes’ ecosystem. Read more

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