Tell Your Member of Congress to Vote “Yes” on Holder Contempt Resolution

Today—Thursday, June 27—the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on whether to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. in contempt of Congress, and to authorize a civil lawsuit to enforce the contempt resolution.

These votes are a result of the Obama-Holder Justice Department’s open defiance of legitimate demands for documents about the “Fast and Furious” program—documents that are needed for a complete congressional investigation of one of the most disastrous episodes in the history of federal law enforcement. Read more

DNR urges caution with campfires, fireworks

Near-drought conditions in some areas spark concerns…

As residents and out-of-state visitors prepare to camp, bike and hike throughout Michigan over the Fourth of July holiday season, Department of Natural Resources officials warn that wildfire danger will vary greatly in different areas of the state and urge caution and common sense, accordingly, with fireworks and campfires. Read more

Another QDMA Success

BOGART, Ga. — The Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) Individual Certification Program, known as “Deer Steward,” wrapped up another successful year of in-person courses this past weekend in Kentucky. The first level of the course is also offered online and remains open year round. Read more

SCI Foundation Contributes $537,590 To Worldwide Wildlife Conservation Projects

Washington, DC – Safari Club International Foundation (SCI Foundation) announced today that it has contributed $537,590 in the past six months to fund worldwide wildlife conservation projects. SCI Foundation strategically focuses funding towards research and management of large predators and their prey, including game species, principally throughout North America, Asia, and Southern Africa. Read more

Sportsmen Win Latest Round in California

Anti-hunting Bill Fails to Clear Key Panel

(Columbus) –Backers of Senate Bill 1221, which would ban hunting of black bears and bobcats using hounds, failed to earn enough votes to pass the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee this afternoon.

“It all came down to last minute telephone calls from hunters to key Assembly members on the committee,” said Evan Heusinkveld, USSA’s director of state services.  “The folks who made those calls made the difference today.”

From the beginning, sportsmen and women have outworked the anti-hunters, Read more

Infra Red (IR) Laser Sights Coming

Wilsonville, OR -Drawing heavily on technology developed in support of America’s warfighters by its defense division, Crimson Trace will introduce a line of Infra Red (IR) laser sights for the civilian market. Observable only through night vision equipment, these laser sights offer the user the ability to mark a target invisibly, which is a boon for predator control, security personnel or anyone involved in the growing sport of hog hunting. Read more

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