Federal Budget Will Help Hunters Gain Access to Public Lands

MISSOULA, Mont. (Feb. 13, 2012)?USDA?s and the Department of the Interior?s Fiscal Year 2013 budgets include a total of $7.5 million of funding for improving hunter access to existing public lands. This new funding is the one of the top priorities for the Boone and Crockett Club and other hunting organizations. The $7.5 million, once it is appropriated, allows the U.S. Forest Service and BLM to acquire rights of way and other land interests from willing-seller landowners to open access to existing federal lands for hunting and fishing where it is closed or significantly restricted. Read more

Another Contest, Another Cheater

On Feb. 1, eight charges were filed against David V Kent by Osage County Attorney Brandon Jones in the District Court of Osage County, Fourth Judicial District, including criminal discharge of a firearm, criminal hunting, illegally hunting with an artificial light, hunting outside of legal hours, illegal hunting during a closed season, using an illegal caliber for taking big game, illegal hunting from a vehicle, and hunting without a valid deer permit.

Kent then brought in a trophy buck’s antlers to the Monster Buck Classic in Topeka Kansas, claiming they were from a deer killed in the northeast part of the state.  Guess who was happy to see him…here

Wildlife Officials Say Mexican Wolf Died From Gunshot

PHOENIX — The National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon, has determined that Mexican wolf mp1242 died as the result of a gunshot wound.

On Nov. 23, 2011, Arizona Game and Fish Department personnel on the Mexican wolf Interagency Field Team (IFT) were contacted by Read more

Donated Custom Colt Commander Brings $7,025 to USA Shooting Team

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. – Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC assisted in raising $7,025 for the USA Shooting Team through the donation of a custom Wiley Clapp Colt Commander® pistol. The auction, hosted by  GunBroker.com, opened with a starting bid of one penny on January 17 and closed the evening of February 5, with more than 22,000 views and 75 bids. Read more

Rare Hooded Crane Proving Elusive

Birding enthusiasts continued their quest Friday to get glimpses – and photographs – of an Asian hooded crane that arrived earlier this week at Goose Pond Fish & Wildlife Area near Linton in Greene County, Indiana, but the bird was proving elusive.

“It was around for a good two to three hours this morning, but nobody has seen it since,” Read more

More on Rifles for Michigan’s Shotgun Zone

By Glen Wunderlich

Michigan House Bill 5249 was introduced last month by Rep. Matt Lori (R) District 59, and if adopted as proposed, would increase the allowable firearms to be used for deer hunting in Zone III (shotgun zone) by including the use of .35 caliber or larger rifles loaded with straight-walled cartridges with a minimum case length of 1.16 inches and a maximum case length of 1.8 inches in Zone III. When one looks at ballistics, these proposed cartridges fit right in with what is currently legal. But, looks can be deceiving. Read more

GunVault Introduces the SpeedVault

Convenient, safe and secure storage for handguns in the desk, home or office

San Bernardino, CA – GunVault, manufacturer of the highly popular GunVault compact security safes, introduces the SpeedVault. The demand for convenient home, office or business security makes SpeedVault a smart solution for storing handguns. The SpeedVault is a drop-down safe that can be mounted under a desk or in various locations for a variety of concealment with a holster-like protective foam lined interior. It offers a combination of theft protection and fast, reliable access. Read more

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