Scotts Pleads Guilty in Tainted Bird Seed Case

Washington –The recent decision by Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. to plead guilty to charges of distributing insecticide-tainted bird seed highlights the need for continued monitoring of the safety of the nation’s bird seed supply, says American Bird Conservancy (ABC), the nation’s leading bird conservation organization. ABC is the only organization to have carried out independent, nationwide bird seed tests. Read more

Michigan’s “Pistol Free Zones” Legislative Status

“Promoting safe use and ownership of firearms througheducation, litigation, and legislation”Since 1996

MCRGO Weekly E’News – Answers to FAQ’s

Michigan Legislative Update, February 6, 2011

Senate Bill 58 was introduced by Senator Green early last year and co-sponsored by Senators Kowall, Brandenburg, Colbeck, Casperson, Emmons, Jansen, Moolenaar and Robertson. It is currently sitting with the Senate Judiciary Committee. The bill would eliminate the so-called “Pistol Free Zones” for CPL (Concealed Pistol License) holders. As readers of this column may recall, I often refer to the “Pistol Free Zones” as “Mass Murderer Empowerment Zones.” This is because the list includes several places where mass killings have occurred. As any thinking person knows, the only effect of any “gun free zone” that is not secured by metal detectors, and staffed by armed guards, is to simply disarm law-abiding citizens who comply with the law, thereby making them vulnerable to criminals, who do not. Read more

Arizona Moves Forward with Campus Carry Legislation

The Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee has passed Senate Bill 1474, which requires  public universities and community colleges to allow anyone age 21 or older with  a concealed-carry permit to carry a gun on campus. The schools can keep the guns  out of buildings, stadiums and classrooms if they provide secure gun lockers.

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Invisible Flashlight Leads The Way

Mansfield, TX- Combined with any night vision riflescope or monocular, the Sightmark Infrared Illuminator acts as an invisible flashlight during night vision use. Great for indoor and outdoor use, where there is low ambient light, such as during a SWAT raid in a dark warehouse or varmint hunting out on a moonless night, the IR Illuminator can illuminate the target without detection. Read more

No Business Like Crow Business

L-R: Matt Arnold, Glen Wunderlich, Shawn Weaver

By Glen Wunderlich

What’s this business of groundhogs predicting weather anyway? They don’t know beans! Wait a minute; beans are something they do understand. In any event, here’s a forecast for this weekend: It’s going to rain. Not cats and dogs, but crows!

February Crows

The long-awaited, no-limit season of crow hunting began February 1st and continues through March 31st and that means it’s time to test new guns, loads, and wing-shooting skills. And, this season, we’ve got a few new tricks up our sleeves, including a new apprentice hunter, Mike, whose technique will be challenged by the aerial antics of the high-flying, menacing marauders.

Mike has never hunted before. His 20-gauge scatter gun Read more

Anti-Dove Hunting Bill Introduced in Iowa

Sure sounds a lot like what happened in Michigan a few years back.  Big money from big, national animal rights organization HSUS paid for TV spots depicting sportsmen as anti-dove hunting.  Over 2.1 million flowed into the debate pitting science against emotion.

Emotion won by a 70 to 30 percent “victory” in a referendum vote to discontinue a newly adopted dove season, which was to be on a test basis with wildlife biologists to evaluate effects.  It never made it that far.

It’s odd how anti “big-anything” lefties never seem to complain when they have the almighty dollar talking for them.

Attack on Number One Game Bird Continues in Iowa
For more than a decade, sportsmen in Iowa fought for the opportunity to pursue North America’s number one game bird – the mourning dove.  Last year, the hard work and dedication finally paid off as the Iowa legislature passed Senate File 464 authorizing dove hunting in the state.  Now, just months after the first successful dove hunt, anti-hunting activists are pushing to have the season banned.

On January 19th, State Representative Mary Mascher (D-Iowa City) introduced House File 2061 that would prohibit dove hunting in the state. Read more

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