Economic Truths, Like it or Not

Yes it came from the White House!   Larry Summers, White House economic advisor said  that the deal between the President and GOP to keep taxes low (which Obama had been fighting against) will not only jump start the economy but will increase government revenue in the long run.  

Here is the quote.   “The deficit will be higher in the short run and lower in the long run because of this bill.”   “Lower in the long run for two reasons-because the front loading of business allowances means more revenue collections after 2012 and because the extra economic growth lifts the economy, which in turn lifts tax collections.”   Yes, this is the official statement from the White House economic advisor.  

GW:  Additionally, the liberal left always wants to tax the rich and complains about the Bush tax cuts for “the rich.”  Here are the facts, which is alluded to above by the Democrats:  Before the Bush tax cuts for all Americans, the top 1 percent of wage earners paid 32 percent of this country’s taxes; after the tax cut, the percentage increased to 40 percent.

What the left fails to understand is that lowering taxes brings in more revenue to the government and creates wealth – the only goal of an economy.  When jobs are shipped over seas, it is precisely because of this country’s taxation and regulation stances.

Cockerham Offers Turkey Hunting Tips


Q: Can you give me a few general tips on how I can be more successful this spring?
A: Being more successful means practicing with your calls and becoming proficient in using several different types. Also scouting and learning your hunting area can make a big difference in your success.

Q: How much scouting should I do before the season?
A: You should be as familiar with your primary hunting area as you are with your own backyard. That way you can try to anticipate what the turkey is going to do and act accordingly.

Q: Is there a best call to use?
A: The best call to use is the call you have the most confidence in. That could be a call you have called in birds with before or the one you have practiced with the most and are the most familiar with.

Q: Do I need to learn to use several different calls?
A: The use of several calls is crucial because turkeys may respond to one call today and respond to a totally different call tomorrow. Also the use of several different calls can make the appearance of several different hens instead of just one.

Q: What do you do to take care of your calls? Read more

Congressional Fly-In Brings Industry, Lawmakers Together

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) — the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry — hosted its annual Congressional “Fly-In” for executives from industry companies this week. The nearly 40-member delegation heard from Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Rep. Don Young (R-At Large-AK), Martin Heinrich (D-1-NM) and Rep. Mike Ross (D-4-Ark.), a co-chair of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus and the Second Amendment Task Force, among other congressional leaders.

Private meetings with more than 30 legislators also took place, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) and senior staff from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office. Other meetings took place with Representatives Steve King (R-5-IA), Martin Heinrich (D-1-NM), John Carter (R-31-TX), Mike Coffman (R-6-CO), Steve Scalise (R-1-LA), Bill Young (R-10-FL), Bill Shuster (R-9-PA), Ben Quayle (R-3-AZ) and Paul Broun (R-10-GA), among others, and Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Richard Burr (R-NC), among others.

During the Fly-In many issues affecting industry were discussed, Read more

Wolf Agreement Nixed, Budget Resolution OKs Delisting

A rider to the finally adopted federal budget by Idaho Representative Mike Simpson has negated Saturday’s rejection of a settlement between environmental groups and the administration which would have removed wolves from the endangered species list and allowed Idaho and Montana to resume state management of wolf populations. Saturday, U.S. District Donald Malloy rejected the settlement, saying all the parties to the original suit did not agree to the settlement. Simpson’s budget rider, however, reinstates the 2009 decision by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the gray wolf in Idaho and Montana. Pro-wolf organizations had agreed to the settlement in an attempt to head off the reinstatement of that decision based on the claims of hunters, ranchers and state officials that the wolf was a recovered population. Representative Simpson, as chairman of the House Appropriations Committee on Interior and the Environment, had included the wolf provision in the original House budget resolution. Montana Senator Jon Tester supported Simpson’s rider saying it, “isn’t about one party’s agenda, it’s about what’s right for Montana and the West.”

Sounds Good to Me

By Glen Wunderlich

Noise pollution.  What is it good for?  Absolutely nothing!  When it comes to firearms, it comes with the territory.  Why the common man does not have the ability in Michigan to suppress the ear-damaging noise of guns is beyond me.  But, if you attach a sound suppressor to your firearm in this state, you’d be guilty of a felony, unless you have a Title II firearms license for machine guns, sound suppressors, and destructive devices. 

Recently, the State of Washington has allowed its citizens the option of using sound suppressors on their firearms, and believe it or not, even the state sheriffs and police chiefs supported the measure.

The bill’s sponsor, Representative Bryan Blake, a Democrat says “Hollywood movies have stigmatized the silencers.  They show them as the bad guys’ guns.”  But, if it were actually true, there’d be a push to overturn the legal use of sound suppressors in the 30+ states that currently allow them.  But, the silence is deafening. 

That’s not to say everyone likes the idea.  “We are disappointed,” said Washington Ceasefire member Michael Martin. His group is working to decrease gun violence.  I guess I just don’t see the connection, but then again, I’m probably not as much of a movie buff as Mr. Martin.

However, there is a connection to hearing loss when big bores go boom without adequate ear protection.  It’s happened enough to me to know.  And, if sound suppressors could save the hearing of just one individual, I’m all for it.  (Sorry, gun grabbers, for stealing your rhetoric.)

Even in the 34 or so of states that permit sound suppressors, there’s a hefty price to pay beyond the cost of the hardware itself.  In 1934 a tax of $200 was levied on the gun mufflers and the tax is still in place today.  Extensive background checks are also mandated.  And skirting the law by owning a sound suppressor, which is not properly registered and taxed, is a violation of federal tax code (tax evasion) a felony punishable by large fines and up to ten years in prison.  That’s serious stuff, as anyone familiar with Al Capone’s demise will attest.  Unless your name is Timothy Geithner, you’d better not try it.

Legitimate users for today’s sound suppressors include animal control officers, and contractors in municipalities, parks, and airports.  It’s all about public relations.  Although the majority of states consider target shooting a legitimate use ,Michigan does not. 

As we continue to run out of land, neighbors get closer and closer.  While Michigan law defines a safety zone as an area within 150 yards of an occupied dwelling, house, cabin, or any barn or other building used in a farm operation, hunting and shooting requires written permission of the owner or occupant of such safety zone.  Not so with target shooting and the discharge of firearms. 

There’s no way to be polite with the sound of gunfire when neighbors are within earshot distance.  Public relations should not be the sole privilege of government entities, nor should hearing protection be limited to the select. 

There simply is no legitimate reason why someone willing to pay the fee and be subjected to intense governmental scrutiny, shouldn’t have the right to a little less noise for himself and those around him.

Winchester Ammunition Expands Capability of Ballistics Calculator


The award-winning Winchester® Ammunition Ballistics Calculator recently received an upgrade—providing shooters and hunters more bullet types to choose from and adding shotgun slugs, rimfire and handgun ammunition to the menu.
The Winchester Ballistics Calculator allows users to choose their type of ammunition and compare up to five different Winchester products with easy-to-read, high-tech ballistic charts and graphs. Users can customize ‘shooting’ conditions by entering wind speed and outside temperature, adjust zero marks for sighting in, then print or save the ballistics for later reference on the range or in the field.
“The Winchester Ballistics Calculator is an outstanding tool for all hunters and shooters; it’s simple to use and absolutely perfect for understanding ammunition ballistics,” said Brett Flaugher, vice president of sales and marketing for Winchester Ammunition. “We expanded our product assortment on the calculator, and we continue to research new technologies that will make this tool widely available to shooting and hunting enthusiasts.”
The calculator is live at and is also available as an app that can be used on iPhones, iPods and iPads.
The Ballistics Calculator uses Microsoft® Silverlight®, a cutting-edge technology that integrates seamlessly into Web browsers and allows users to run highly advanced software applications over the Web.
For more information about Winchester Ammunition and its complete line of products visit
Winchester Ammunition is proud to be a leader in conservation

NILO® Farms, established by John M. Olin in 1952, is Winchester’s prestigious hunting preserve providing guests with quality hunting on more than 640 acres of natural habitat. As one of the finest hunting and shooting facilities in the country, NILO Farms represents the best in game management and safety. Many of the land management practices developed at NILO have proven to be an example for other waterfowl and upland game bird preserves to follow. For more information about NILO Farms, visit

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Nativ Wildlife Plants Delivered to Conservationists Across America

WEST POINT, MS -A company native to Mississippi that revolutionized the camouflage industry over 20 years ago, has created an avenue for conservationists and land managers across the country to find and purchase plants for the betterment of wildlife and their habitat.

In the past year, Mossy Oak Nativ Nurseries has shipped specialized plants to outdoorsmen and conservationists in over 30 states around the continental U.S. Plants that for the most part have been previously unavailable for purchase anywhere.

Mossy Oak Nativ Nurseries cultivates naturally occurring species of plants that wildlife and wildlife enthusiasts prefer. The Nativ Nurseries plant collection includes an assortment of hybrid and specialty oak trees, many of which are exclusive only to Nativ Nurseries. The collection also includes many different varieties of fruit trees and shrubs. These plants play an essential role in producing healthier wildlife and a more productive habitat.

Through the Mossy Oak Nativ Nurseries web site,, customers can view information on how, where, when, and which species to plant, including many helpful tips and tactics. For in depth questions, customers can call and speak to a Nativ Nurseries representative for a more individual answer to their inquiries.

Toxey Haas , Founder and CEO of Mossy Oak, said, “Our trees are all hand selected from genetically superior trees. We collect seed from parent trees that exhibit nature’s very best attributes, and produce hard and soft mast at a much younger age than traditional seedlings. Combine the naturally superior genetics of these trees with our revolutionary new growing method, the Rapid Mast System, and the result is a tree that will produce food in the near future and for generations to come.”

For information or questions about Mossy Oak Nativ Nurseries or its plant offerings or call 662-494-4362.
Jesse Raley
Ph: 662-494-4326

Dead Dog Walking in Washington

National hunting guru and renowned outdoor host Chad Belding’s new predator hunting series, Dead Dog Walkin’, continues this week on Sportsman Channel. The show focuses on the state of Washington in this episode (the 2nd of the series), and follows Belding and his team, primarily his brother Clay Belding and colleagues Alex Faust and Alex Langbell, as they hunt coyotes and other predators that are killing domestic animals and threatening sheep and cattle in the area.

WASHINGTON LAYDOWN (debuts this week) -Team Dead Dog member Alex Langbell, a native of the Tri Cities/Pasco area, shows us what the state of Washington has to offer, and coyotes are part of the landscape. Alex and a fellow Washington native take down some coyotes that have been preying on domestic animals.

“Alex does a great job in taking the viewers on a journey through the state of Washington in search of predators,” says Chad Belding. “Alex is new to the predator game, and because of his drive, focus, and dedication, he has quickly risen through the ranks of today’s predator hunters.”

Friday, April 8 – 12:30 PM
Saturday, April 9 – 10:30 AM
Sunday, April 10 – 9:30 PM
Tuesday, April 12 – 3:30 AM

***The show can be found on DIRECTV channel 605, Dish Network channel 285 or 395 and AT&T U-Verse TV channel 642. Check your local provider for local cable channel number.

On the Web: Coinciding with the debut of the new DDW series is the launch of the show’s interactive website The site features weekly video tips and show clips; bios of the DDW Posse; online apparel store; photo gallery allowing hunters to upload and share pictures with their fellow sportsmen; and Gear Guide tips from professional hunters Clay Belding and Alex Crosby.

Upcoming Shows are here: Read more

Nebraska Legislature Advances State Meat Inspection Proposal, HSUS Rightfully Slammed

Senators advanced a bill Wednesday to allow for a state meat inspection program and possibly a horse slaughter and processing facility, but one senator took the opportunity to discredit the Humane Society of the United States.

Sen. Tom Carlson of Holdrege, the chairman of the Agriculture Committee used strong language, calling the national group deceptive, unethical, overreaching, shameless, ruthless.

He made the distinction between HSUS and local humane societies, saying it is not the same as such groups…More here

Crimson Trace Launches $50 Consumer Rebate Promotion

Wilsonville, OR –Crimson Trace, maker of the world’s finest laser sighting systems for personal defense and professional users, announces a $50 rebate promotion for its industry-leading LASERGRIPS®, LASERGUARD® and Modular Vertical Foregrip (MVF) products. The mail-in rebate applies to products purchased between April 2 – June 30, 2011.

“The rebate is intended to make it easier for more customers to experience the benefits of our top-quality, reliable laser sights,” said Kent Thomas, Marketing Director. “Our customers consistently tell us that we make the best personal defense products money can buy, and for a few months it will take a little less money to get them,” he added.

To redeem the rebate, customers must send the original UPC code from the product packaging, and the original sales receipt showing the product was purchased during the rebate period. They will receive a check for $50 within 4 – 6 weeks. Redemption instructions can be found at gun dealers, online dealers, and at, or by calling 800-442-2406.

The rebate does not apply to OEM products shipped as a package with a firearm or installed by the firearm manufacturer. It also does not apply to LIGHTGUARD™ products, and any product that does not include a valid UPC code and purchase documentation.

All Crimson Trace products are proudly designed, engineered and manufactured in the United States.

Iain Harrison (503) 754-4117 (cell) or (800) 442-2406 x 1305 (Office)
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