Thompson/Center Arms Introduces Dimension™ Bolt-Action Platform

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Thompson/Center Arms announced today the introduction of the first production made customizable rifle with the unveiling of the Dimension™ Bolt-Action Platform. Offering the capability to change barrels and stocks through the use of its patent-pending universal receiver, the new Dimension rifle’s revolutionary design allows it to handle small, medium and long action calibers while maintaining the appropriate bolt throw for each caliber. Read more

New Leica Integrated Ballistics System

Leica IBS Reticle


Leica’s optical experts have joined forces with G7’s ballistics experts to develop the Integrated Ballistic System (IBS ) reticle. This multi-purpose reticle allows the hunter to use the ballistic drop reticle or the center aiming point in conjunction with a custom ballistic turret that has been calibrated in yards. Read more

Michigan Record Crossbow Buck a Scam

Another hero to zero story of a Michigan “deer hunting” cheater.  Contests sure bring out the worst in people, and here is the reason why prizes are not always a good idea.  In fact, as chairman of the Perry Youth Hunt Extravaganza, I am often approached why we don’t provide prizes for the biggest bucks, first buck, etc.  Here’s your answer: 

And, here is action taken by Commemorative Bucks of Michigan.

Federal Court Upholds Obama/Holder Gun Registration Scheme; Congressional Action Needed

Friday, January 13, 2012

Moments before this alert was to go out, a federal district court in Washington, D.C. issued a ruling upholding an Obama administration policy that requires federally licensed firearms retailers in states bordering Mexico to report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles. The case was brought by two NRA-backed firearms retailers and by the National Shooting Sports Foundation acting on behalf of its affected members. Plaintiffs plan to appeal immediately—but in the meantime, your help is urgently needed in seeking congressional action to end this illegal policy. Read more

Snow Provides Clues to Presence of Wildlife

First Snow of 2012, Shiawassee County, Michigan

By Glen Wunderlich

The midwestern U.S. finally got a blast of reality after being spared any real winter to date.  Once the plowing duties were finished, it was time check the landscape for tracks.  Any tracks.  But, at the top of the list was an area surrounding a deer carcass set out conspicuously to attract meat eaters.   Coyotes, specifically. Read more

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