Judge Accepts RMEF Motion in Oregon Wolf Lawsuit

MISSOULA, Mont.-The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has learned that an Oregon court has agreed to consider in its final ruling the RMEF motion outlining the need for science-based, state regulated wolf management. The court is reviewing the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s authority to manage and control wolves as part of a state-approved plan. Read more

Smith & Wesson Broadens Thompson Center Venture Recall


PRODUCT: ALL Thompson Center Venture Rifles manufactured prior to October 28, 2011.

During an internal technical review, Smith & Wesson identified a condition that may exist with the sear supplied with some rifles that would allow the rifle to fire without the trigger being pulled. In the interest of consumer safety, we are initiating this recall to allow for the prompt inspection and, if necessary, the repair of each rifle. Read more

Hunting Memories from Afield

By Glen Wunderlich

Firearms deer season opens Tuesday and hundreds of thousands of hopeful hunters will depart to all corners of Michigan in search of the elusive whitetail. Some will travel hundreds of miles, and some will remain close to home. But, all will be making memories that last long after the season ends. Looking back over four decades of deer hunting, here are some recollections of hunts past. Read more

Buried for 70 Years, Browning Machine Gun Roars to Life

This is a fantastic story (and very well detailed) for Veterans Day and a testament to the quality machining of the Brits during World War II.  After touring the Browning museum in Ogden, Utah this past August, I am not surprised that this recovered relic would fire after being buried since the Big One.  The quality and ingenuity of the Browing family is beyond belief.  If you ever get a chance to stop by the museum, do so.  You’ll never regret it.


Australian Poachers Arrested in Idaho

By Evin Oneale – Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Three Australians suspected of poaching were arrested last week on multiple charges and later booked into the Elmore County jail.

Eleven charges have been filed against the men, with a combined bond set at $165,000.

Anton Kepeller, 58, Darren Tubb, 43, and Samuel Henley, 18, all from Tasmania, Australia, were contacted and later arrested Read more

Animal Rights and Wrongs

While hunting can have unexpected dangers such as tripping over roots and rocks as you trek, the real dangers facing hunters these days is the animal rights lobby who are trying to stop hunting and trapping all together. While you’ve been hunting and scouting for deer or other animals, these groups have been scheming, developing, and working to pass legislation, and to win political favors and public opinion, to prevent you from ever hunting again. Some of the most dangerous groups are listed below. Read more

Private Citizen Wins Case Against Center for Biological Diversity

The Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) is no novice when it comes to lawsuits. The CBD has filed numerous lawsuits in the past decade against the federal government and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over perceived endangered species. From tiny fish to frogs to polar bears, if it’s alive, it’s possibly included in a CBD lawsuit.  This tactic does sometimes backfire.

Seems when the CBD decided to sue the U.S. Forest Service about cattle grazing allotments in 2002, it accused Arizona ranchers Jim and Sue Chilton of stewardship abuse. Read more

QDMA’s National Youth Hunt

Ten young hunters from around the nation with limited hunting opportunities recently enjoyed a dream deer hunt at QDMA’s 2011 National Youth Hunt, sponsored by Plum Creek Timber Co.

Held in Georgia on a private host property from October 26-30, the National Youth Hunt was
attended by hunters age 9 to 15 from the states of Michigan, South Carolina, Minnesota, Kentucky, Illinois and Oklahoma. The hunters are nominated Read more

Advice To Prevent Hypothermia

HARRISBURG, PA – Pennsylvania Game Commission Hunter-Trapper Education Division Chief Keith A. Snyder is reminding hunters, trappers and other outdoors enthusiasts to plan well to avoid hypothermia.

“Anyone heading afield for late fall and winter hunting and trapping seasons should be aware of the threat of hypothermia and how to combat it,” Snyder said. “Hypothermia occurs when Read more

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