Wisconsin Concealed Pistol License Applications at 20,476 for One Week

In Wisconsin 20,476 applications for concealed pistol licenses were submitted by its citizens in one week.

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen,  who was the first applicant in Wisconsin to receive a permit, made this statement: “I am pleased that tens of thousands of applications have streamed into the Department, and many law-abiding Wisconsin residents already have received licenses.”


And, a recent development is making it easier to comply with requirements: http://www.fdlreporter.com/article/20111107/FON0101/111107081/State-committee-suspends-concealed-carry-rules

Hornady Announces New Products for 2012


Grand Island, NE – Hornady® Manufacturing, an industry leader in bullet and ammunition technology, announces a comprehensive lineup of new products for 2012. These new ammunition, bullet and reloading products will be available from stocking dealers, major retail sporting goods stores and their websites. Please visit the Retail Locator http://www.hornady.com/retail-locator/find-a-retailer on hornady.com to find the nearest dealer. International listings are available, as well.

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Deer Hunter Catches Fire, Dies

An 84 year-old deer hunter in Minnesota died after falling from a tree, when his clothes caught fire, while attempting to light a propane heater.

A good reminder to “dry run” all heaters by checking hoses, connections for leaks, igniters, etc. I have found that mice will chew through the rubber propane supply lines, and if the tank had not been shut off, all the gas will be gone.

Check connections with a solution of soap and water.

To ignite, have the lit match or igniter ignited when the gas is turned on and make sure to stay away from the heater element – especiall over the top of it. Keep clothing away.

Since igniters are noisy, we keep a good supply of dry, “strike anywhere” wood matches handy by enclosing them in a pill bottle fastened by electrical tape to the heater’s frame.  They can be dipped in hot wax for long-term storage and resistance to moisture.

Ventilation is required to be safe.


Weapons of Mass Illusion: Spitwads!

Virgina’s State Supreme Court has let stand a ruling that spit wads are “weapons” and using them is “criminal.”

The argument came in the case of Andrew Mikel II, who was a freshman last school year and an honor student, when he was kicked out of Spotsylvania High School based on a claim by school officials that the “spit wad” was “violent criminal conduct.”



Fear This: Lightning

By Glen Wunderlich

When my friend, Joe Reynolds, and I headed to the deer woods last week, we had high hopes in an area that has been good to us over the years. Joe would take a favorite ladder stand site and I would use my climbing tree stand in a rather open area of hardwoods. But, this hunt would end just minutes after ascending 25 feet above ground for a reason more important than wallhangers: Thunder! Read more

Assistant U.S. Attorney General Wants Gun Owner Registration–Doesn’t Think Gun Owners Need Semi-Automatic Rifles or Shotguns

Assistant Attorney General, Lanny Breuer:  Very few hunters in the United States or sports people and law-abiding people really need to have semiautomatic weapons or long guns. . .

Friday, November 04, 2011

After weeks of stonewalling by the Department of Justice, a clearer picture of what its top officials knew about BATFE’s Operation Fast and Furious, and when they knew it, is slowly beginning to emerge.

On Tuesday, Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism about his knowledge of BATFE’s gunwalking operations, and his support for gun control. Read more

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