Hunters, Shooters Give and Receive Gifts Related to their Sport During the Holidays

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — While choosing the right gift for some friends and family may be a perplexing decision during the holidays, apparently that choice is much easier to make if that person hunts or shoots. Asked if they gave or received hunting or shooting items as a holiday gift this past year, 59.8 percent of those sportsmen and women questioned by or said they had.


Of the respondents Read more

Handgun Hunting Considerations for Deer

By Glen Wunderlich

Handgun hunting in Michigan can test the basic hunting skills of even the most seasoned veterans afield. Today’s modern magnum calibers offer the handgun aficionado more options than Dirty Harry ever imagined. And, while his .44 Remington Magnum can still be a formidable tool in the deer woods, it and other powerhouses like it, take some getting used to. Here is a look at some considerations for handgun hunting deer. Read more

Man Shoots Self with Arrow

This photo was taken on a cell phone last week after the guy took his friend to Bass Pro Shop to buy his first bow. The clerk was ‘assisting’ him in zeroing it in, and, after shooting several arrows, making adjustments etc., the clerk accidently handed him an arrow that was too short.

When he drew back, the arrow tip fell down onto his hand and he somehow released it. They rode to the hospital with the bow in his buddy’s hand because it impaled his finger also!

Bad Bow!

House panel clears conceal-and-carry gun bill

By a 19 to 11 vote, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee passed a concealed carry bill that would allow permit holders to cross state lines without fear of violating laws.  Of course, Democrats are opposed on the basis of a states’ rights argument.  Oddly enough, they never use that argument when Obama shoves mandates like health insurance down the states’ throats.

Sig Sauer Looks to Expand Success in U.S. Operations

The world-wide firearm manufacturer has been adding employees over the past four years and expects the market to allow it to continue hiring. They need more room and have plenty of options.

The link has the success story never to be told by the media. It’s a lot more riveting to show lazy whiners protesting, because they are not given enough of what ever their self-serving interests demand.

Here, instead, we have Americans prospering in spite of what left-leaning gun grabbers have wrought upon their industry in the way of burdensome regulations. And, I must add that Sig’s firearms are legendary and it is the free market that recognizes its quality.

NRA Files Protest Letter in Opposition of BLM’s Resource Management Plan for Recreational Shooting Ban

The National Rifle Association has filed a letter protesting the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) final resource management plan for Ironwood Forest National Monument that will close the entire monument to recreational shooting.

The NRA and many of its Arizona hunters and shooters were deeply engaged in the planning process when Read more

SAF Says New Gallup Data Shows Americans Value Their Gun Rights

BELLEVUE, WA – Wednesday’s revelation by Gallup that a record low number of Americans support a legal ban on handgun possession by private citizens demonstrates a positive change in the public attitude about personal protection and the Second Amendment, the Second Amendment Foundation said.

According to Gallup, only 26 percent of Americans favor a handgun ban. The annual Gallup Crime poll was conducted Oct. 6-9. Read more

Michigan Teacher is NWTF’s Teacher of Year

EDGEFIELD, S.C. – Third-grade teacher Janine Kopera was merely looking for some lesson ideas to tie in with Thanksgiving when she stumbled upon the NWTF’s web site.

Eight years later, the Melvindale, Mich., teacher is renowned for successfully teaching her suburban students about conservation through an educational unit she built around the NWTF’s Wild About Turkey Education Box.

In recognition of her efforts, the NWTF selected Kopera as the NWTF’s 2011 Educator of the Year. Kopera also won the NWTF’s Educator of the Year Award for Michigan. She is a former Wayne County Elementary Teacher of the Year. Read more

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