Senate Votes to Uphold Second Amendment in Washington, D.C.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fairfax, Va. – The United States Senate has voted, with overwhelming bipartisan support, to adopt an amendment offered by Senator John Ensign (R-NV) that seeks to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens in the District of Columbia. The amendment, attached to S.160, the D.C. Voting Rights Act, will repeal restrictive gun control laws passed by the District of Columbia’s (D.C.) city council after the landmark D.C. v. Heller Supreme Court decision. The vote margin was 62-36.

“Today’s vote brings us one step closer to restoring the Second Amendment freedom of law-abiding D.C. residents,” said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. “It’s ludicrous that good people in our nation’s capital continue to be harassed as they try to defend themselves and their loved ones in their own homes. This vote reinforces the historic Heller ruling.”

After the Heller ruling, the D.C. city council passed a law requiring would-be gun owners to pay a registration fee, pass a 20-question multiple choice test, take a five-hour training course, undergo an invasive background check every six years, re-register any firearm every three years, and finally, submit all handguns for ballistics testing. Current D.C. law also bans an overwhelming majority of firearms commonly used for self-defense. This Ensign Amendment would also remedy that unjust practice.

“NRA would like to thank the lead sponsor, Sen. John Ensign for his efforts to reform D.C.’s gun laws and enable folks to protect their property and their loved ones,” concluded Cox. “It’s time for leaders in Washington to wake up to the fact that the Supreme Court decision is now the law of the land.”

Attorney General Holder Suggests Semi-Auto Ban


Responding to Attorney General Eric Holder’s comment yesterday that the Obama Administration will attempt to reinstate a ban against semi-automatic rifles, the National Shooting Sports Foundation reminded Congress and all Americans that such a ban would cause jobs to be lost in a difficult economy, have no effect on reducing crime and would deprive millions of law-abiding sportsmen and gun owners of their Constitutional right to own the firearm of their choice.

Holder made his comments in connection with criminals supplying illegal guns from the United States to drug dealers in Mexico.

“The problem of criminals breaking the law to acquire firearms and illegally smuggling them across the border is not remedied by legislation that would violate the rights of Americans to own semi-automatic firearms,” said Steve Sanetti, president of NSSF, the trade association of the firearms industry.

“These types of firearms, which are erroneously called ‘assault weapons,’ are used by millions of Americans for hunting, sporting and personal defense purposes,” Sanetti added. “We can only conclude that certain officials are waiting for any politically advantageous excuse to announce the intention to seek a new ban on sporting rifles, a ban that would break the president’s campaign promise to gun owners that ‘I’m not going to take away your guns.'”

The industry and firearms owners were understandably outraged by Holder’s comments yesterday, and today even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi backed away from the idea of a new gun ban. “On that score, I think we need to enforce the laws we have right now,” said Pelosi, surprisingly taking the position of pro-gun advocates.

Holder’s use of the inaccurate term “assault weapons” is one that is deliberately used by gun-ban advocates to create confusion between legally sold, semi-automatic rifles and look-a-like, fully automatic military versions. While the civilian version of these rifles may resemble their military counterparts, the civilian rifle fires only one round with each pull of the trigger. Additionally, these rifles fire ammunition calibers no more powerful than traditional-looking sporting arms. Civilian access to fully automatic machine guns has been severely restricted since 1934.

Studies show that the ban against sporting firearms, known as the Assault Weapons Ban, that was in place from 1994 to 2004 did not reduce crime. Furthermore, there has been no increase in crime involving these types of firearms since Congress allowed the ban to expire.

A ban on sporting firearms also would have a severe effect on jobs and the economy. Sales of semi-automatic rifles have been strong over the last several months — overall sales of firearms have increased as much as 42 percent — and have allowed companies in the firearms industry to withstand, to some extent, the downturn in the economy.

“These semi-automatic rifles are the most popular rifle in America today and they are largely behind the recent increase in firearms sales,” said Sanetti. “This is a bright spot in our economy and has helped save jobs in our industry.”

Since the election last November gun owners have feared the Obama Administration would seek legislation that would infringe on their Second Amendment rights. “It appears gun owners’ fears were well-founded given Attorney General Holder’s comment that the Obama Administration will seek new restrictions on gun owners. A new gun ban would fly in the face of last year’s Supreme Court decision in the Heller case that reaffirmed the Second Amendment right of all Americans to keep and bear arms,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel.

HB 45 Rumor Mill Going Strong

Rumor has it … HB 45 Slipped into Federal Stimulus Package?

Feb 18, 2009

Like you, we have heard the rumors about anti-gun legislation (HR 45) being slipped into the stimulus package President Obama just signed.

We have been monitoring this and can assure you this is not the case. To put your mind at ease, we’d like to summarize for you the confirmation we have received from NRA:”The only provision in the stimulus bill that has anything to do with firearms is the funding for BATFE’s “Project Gunrunner,” which (as we pointed out in Friday’s Grassroots Alert) is a program that enforces existing laws to reduce smuggling of firearms from the United States to Mexico. This program imposes no new restrictions on gun owners.

We have gone through the final 1,073-page bill, and its earlier House and Senate versions, both with computerized search terms and a page-by-page review to check the non-searchable handwritten notations.”For your convenience below are links to the bill:

The name of the stimulus plan is “American Recovery and Reinvestment” – link is very slow loading. – link is very slow loading.

Carry on!
Chuck Perricone
Executive Director
Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners (MCRGO)

Obama Administration to Continue Ban on Polar Bear Hunting

No big surprise here. Anti- hunters will be able to claim how right they were, when their own self-fulfilling prophecy comes true and the lack of hunter dollars leads to the polar bears’ demise…Glen Wunderlich

While the newly installed Administration gains its sea legs, it has already made a decision that negatively impacts hunters and conservation funding for polar bears.

In the first significant decision by the new Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) said that it will continue banning the import of polar bear trophies from Canada. The announcement was made of February 24, 2009.

Last year, polar bears were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The designation came as a result of a lawsuit threat by environmental organizations that claimed polar bear numbers will decline. Biologists of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said such a decline might be as far away as fifty years because of possible global warming and shrinking arctic ice.
The USSA has consistently argued against the designation. It does nothing to deal with the alleged cause of possible future decline. Additionally, the USSA has made clear that by banning the importation of trophies, conservation dollars generated from applicable fees will dry up.

This FWS decision was immediately hailed by the leading anti-hunting group in the country, the Humane Society of the United States and its legislative wing, the Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF). In typical fashion, the HSLF used overblown rhetoric when praising the Obama Administration without explaining how reducing conservation funding is going to help better manage polar bear populations.

As previously reported, the USSA has worked with U.S. Representative Don Young (R- AK), who has introduced legislation in Congress to amend the relevant statutes hijacked by anti’s. Young’s bills, HR 1054 and HR 1055 allow for the importation of existing and new polar bear trophies. Both bills guarantee a restoration of conservation funds currently lost.

The USSA will continue supporting the bills.

HB 4348 Would Allow Concelaed Carry Anywhere

Gun-free zones have long been the criminals’ place of choice when carrying out the most abhorent crimes. Schools, churches – anywhere guns have been prohibited – offer sanctuaries for scum to carry out their heinous acts. Michigan House Bill 4348 recently introduced provides the following:

(a) Carry a pistol concealed on or about his or her person anywhere in this state.

(b) Carry a pistol in a vehicle, whether concealed or not concealed, anywhere in this state.

A similar bill had gone nowhere and it’s too early to know if this one has a chance at passage. It seems much too sensible for the vast majority of politicians to get behind but stranger things have happened.

Santa Rosa Elk to be Needlessly Killed

By Glen Wunderlich
Outdoor Columnist
Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

I wrote this column a year ago but the audacity seems quite relevant to today’s demagogues.

Approximately 40 miles of Pacific Ocean separate the mainland of Santa Barbara, California from once-privately owned Santa Rosa Island, the crown jewel of the Channel Islands National Park. The island, purchased with $30 million of taxpayers’ money, is home to 1100 Roosevelt Elk and Kaibab Mule Deer, which were imported to the island by the private owners some 75 years ago. Since that time, the non-native species have coexisted with various flora and fauna and have remained free from any diseases common to their cousins elsewhere. The following question has arisen since ownership has changed hands: Should the park be protected and open to all Americans year-round or should it also be made available to hunters to manage the elk and deer population? In a clever manipulation of power, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and Congresswoman Lois Capps (all Democrats from California) have arranged for the extermination of all of these magnificent animals. None will survive.

Typically, one would count these left-leaning liberals on the side of the animals, along with animal rights groups such as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Just look what happened here in Michigan when a mourning dove hunting season had been established and then abolished – thanks to the fiery emotional appeal fueled by millions of “animal-loving” HSUS dollars on behalf of the migratory birds. One would think that over a thousand elk and deer would warrant as much support but the silence of HSUS and PETA has been deafening.

While scratching my head, I began a review of the Congressional Record of May 14, 2007 and learned of California Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter’s attempt to save the animals from complete annihilation. Although a court-ordered extermination had been handed down, the assistance of the National Rifle Association (NRA) helped Representative Hunter to enact a law in 2006 protecting the healthy elk and deer on the island for visitors to enjoy. However, the National Park Service inexplicably pushed for the government-mandated aerial slaughter of the non-native elk and deer and Senator Feinstein obliged it by in including total eradication language in a 2008 fiscal year Omnibus Appropriations Bill that trumped the 2006 law to keep the animals alive on the island.

Here is what Representative Duncan Hunter said in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on June 13, 2006: “All we want is about two weeks a year for the paralyzed veterans to come over. I would be happy to stipulate that no congressman, no VIPs. Only people who are paralyzed veterans, who are very disabled veterans…They could have the adventure of a lifetime. And, you know something, they may be wheelchair-bound but their spirits are free; they like adventure. This is a great place to take your family. And, this could be a special niche for those people. And, you know something else? The people of the United States, if the taxpayers knew that this was going to be used by paralyzed veterans, they’d say fine.” He added that the park service could easily accommodate the veterans and then elaborated. “Listen, the reason the park people have their nice jobs and the reasons we, as members of the American public, get to enjoy national parks is because of people who wear uniforms who go out in dangerous parts of the world and secure our freedom. So let in some paralyzed veterans, many of whom have been injured in combat, to come have a small piece of this island that almost nobody goes to anyway, is a small repayment for their service to our country. I think the taxpayers would appreciate that.”

While the liberals claim to support the troops, they sure have a funny way of showing it. And, those radicals in support of animal rights have proven that their agenda is less about animal welfare than it is about the elimination of hunting. It’s that simple.

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