Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation Releases Economic Impact Report of Hunting and Shooting in America

New report details fiscal impact of sportsmen at the national, state and local levels
A new report released by the Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation provides the most detailed and up-to-date data concerning the economic impact and importance of America’s hunters and sport shooters to national and state economies. The report delves into the economic significance of these sportsmen in every state and every legislative district.
“It’s important that people – the general public, and state and federal legislators – understand that America’s hunters and sport shooters are an incredibly important force when it comes to our national, state and local economies, as well as providing an outsized share of conservation funding at both the state and federal levels,” said Evan Heusinkveld, President and CEO of the Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation. “With this information, sportsmen can educate friends, family and their representatives at every level by clearly illustrating in dollars and cents what they bring to the table and mean to the bottom line.” Read more