Michigan anglers who report marked and tagged fish provide DNR with critical information

There are many joys of fall fishing: the salmon run, cooler weather and gorgeous fall foliage. Another benefit is the opportunity to help with important fisheries research by telling the Michigan Department of Natural Resources about any tagged or marked fish you catch.

“Marking and tagging fish helps DNR researchers understand fish survival, age, growth and movement, as well as the amount of natural reproduction of a species,” said Jay Wesley, the DNR’s Lake Michigan basin coordinator.

Illustration of a Chinook salmon with the adipose fin indicated. Illustration courtesy of Joseph R. Tomelleri and copyrighted.Through mass marking assistance by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Great Lakes states mark popular gamefish like steelhead, Chinook salmon, Atlantic salmon, brown trout and lake trout. These marks include both clipped adipose fins and coded-wire tags.

The DNR has used a coded-wire tag program to mass mark various fish species in Michigan since the 1980s. The program involves implanting a small, coded-wire tag, which is invisible to the naked eye, into the snout of a fish. The tag is small — like the tip of a lead pencil — so lab technicians are needed to remove it.

Trout and salmon containing a coded-wire tag can be identified because their adipose fins (the small, fleshy fin between the dorsal and tail fins) have been removed. The DNR asks that anglers who catch a fish with a clipped adipose fin remove and freeze the head of the fish and turn it in at a local drop-off station in Michigan. Read more

Birdwathers: This Saturday is October Big Day!

Looking a bit like one of the tropical hawk-eagles, a young Red-tailed Hawk was among the 7,702 different species of birds reported by birders worldwide during last year’s October Big Day (photo by Paul Konrad).

Saturday October 12th you can participate in the biggest birding day of fall, the October Big Day. Wherever you are, whenever you have a few minutes or a couple hours, you can join birders participating from around the world. It’s easy, just identify and count the birds during any time period you choose this Saturday, then report your results to eBird to join tens of thousands of people from nearly 200 countries during this “global day of birding.” Participate from your favorite birding hotspot, a new location you choose especially for this event, or from an easy chair at home or in your yard. You can even visit more than one location to make it especially exciting for you and anyone you would like to invite to join you.

Each fall, October Big Day activities clearly demonstrate the power of birds to bring people together for a common goal. The importance of the OBD is that the bird lists participants share with eBird provide an excellent snapshot of what species are being found in which locations in each state, nation, and continent during the midst of fall migration – and it all adds up to a wealth of useful information for biologists, conservation groups, and birders. Be a part of the global team to help set a new world record for the number of people participating and the number of birds observed.

To learn more about how you can participate in the October Big Day, simply refer to October Big Day—12 Oct 2024 – eBird and consider inviting a family member, friend, or co-worker to join you birding during the October Birding Day – it’s a worldwide celebration of birds and birding! Read more

X-Vision Optics Unveils the Shadow 10 Night Vision Binocular

X-Vision Optics, a leader in innovative optics technology, proudly announces the release of its newest product, the Shadow 10 Night Vision Binocular. Designed for outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, and professionals, the Shadow 10 delivers exceptional performance and reliability in both day and night conditions.

The Shadow 10 offers an impressive night viewing distance of 130 yards in complete darkness and a daytime range of 330 yards, making it a versatile tool for any adventure. Its 2-8x magnification ensures crisp and detailed imaging, while the 88-foot field-of-view at 100 yards provides ample coverage of your surroundings.

Product Highlights: Read more

NEXTORCH P21 Shield Light with 3000 Lumens

Cleveland, TN –– NEXTORCH Industries, a global leader in tactical flashlights, batons and accessories for law enforcement, first responders, tactical professionals, and prepared civilians, is pleased to announce the introduction of the NEXTORCH P21 state-of-the-art shield light, engineered to enhance tactical operations with its impressive 3000-lumen high-intensity output. This upgraded light provides a tactical advantage for operators when mounted on ballistic shields.

“The NEXTORCH P21 is an advanced tactical shield light, designed to provide superior illumination and versatility for law enforcement and tactical operations,” said Jordan Brothers, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, NEXTORCH.

The P21 Shield Light features two light heads. Equipped with a remote switch, including a strobe function, the P21 enables quick and effective disorientation of threats. Its multiple mounting options ensure compatibility with a variety of shield setups, making it a reliable choice for any tactical scenario. Read more

Moultrie Expands Edge 2 Series with First Lite Edition

The most advanced trail cameras now feature industry-leading concealment for ultimate hunting success

Moultrie, the leading innovator in trail camera and feeder technology, has teamed up with First Lite to offer the popular Edge 2 series cell cameras in Specter™ Camo. This partnership merges the bold essence of Moultrie and MeatEater (owners of First Lite) into a camera that equips hunters with the critical intel they need to succeed in the field.

“This camera project with First Lite has been in the works for two years, and we’re thrilled to launch it today,” said Daniel Wilson, Moultrie’s General Manager. “This collaboration helps fully bring to life our partnership with the MeatEater team. Nothing showcases the innovation both of our brands bring to the hunting community more than the Edge 2 in First Lite’s Spectre.” Read more

FN SCAR 15P in .300 Blackout Latest Addition to SCAR Series

Building on the heritage of the FN SCAR® family, FN America, LLC is excited to announce the release of the FN SCAR® 15P chambered in .300 Blackout. An ideal choice for home and personal defense applications or for everyday range use, the FN SCAR 15P is the semiautomatic pistol modeled after the FN SCAR-SC personal defense weapon originally designed for military and law enforcement.

The initial version of the FN SCAR 15P was launched in late 2022, chambered in 5.56x45mm. The new .300 Blackout pistol has been optimized in every way possible for the caliber, including gas regulator settings for subsonic and supersonic ammunition, a .30 caliber flash hider and a dedicated magazine, giving customers the best possible experience and performance. Read more

Taurus Unveils Its First Competition-Ready Revolver

Taurus, a renowned leader in the firearms industry, proudly announces the release of the Taurus 608 Competition, the company’s first competition-ready revolver designed to perform straight out of the box. Built for competitive shooting enthusiasts, the Taurus 608 Competition delivers the precision and reliability needed for USPSA or ICORE revolver competitions without the need for aftermarket modifications.

With an 8-round capacity and cut for moon clips, this revolver is equipped to handle the demands of fast-paced, high-accuracy shooting. What sets the 608 Competition apart is Taurus’ custom-tuned trigger, which can be adjusted without the need for a professional gunsmith—offering shooters a level of customization rarely seen in out-of-the-box firearms. Shooters can confidently make performance tweaks with ease while maintaining Taurus’ renowned lifetime warranty.

Key Features of the Taurus 608 Competition Revolver: Read more

New Winchester Model 98 Signal Cannons Now Available

Winchester announces Dunlap Cannon Co.’s limited production run of 250 Winchester Model 98 signal cannons will be available in 2024.

First debuted in 1903 by Winchester Repeating Arms Company, the Winchester signal cannon is a breech-loading cannon that fires 10-gauge shotshell blanks. With its blued steel barrel and cast-iron carriage, these cannons became fixtures at celebrations and maritime events across the nation. Read more

Sixth Annual Joe Johnson Memorial Youth Pheasant Hunt

Saturday, Nov. 2

Gordon Guyer-Augusta Creek State Wildlife Area

Kalamazoo County

Hunter safety-certified youth hunters, ages 12-17, are invited to join this free pheasant hunt. Groups of two will hunt with a guide, dog and dog handler. Pheasants will be planted for each group to hunt, and lunch will be provided.

Hunters should bring their base license, firearm and ammunition, hunter orange garments and a cooler for their harvested birds. Read more

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