“No More Weapons!” Sign Erected Along U.S.–Mexican Border

Last week, Mexican President Felipe Calderon unveiled a “billboard” near the U.S. border made of crushed firearms formed into the words, “No More Weapons!”

The Mexican government (aided by American media) has consistently claimed that their country’s crime problems are due, in large part, to the flow of firearms into Mexico from the U.S. This sentiment has been bolstered by the Obama administration

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A Lesson in Gun Registration from Canada

Gun-control advocates like The Brady Campaign have forever claimed that registration is a safety issue; their reasoning is simple: If a gun has been left at a crime scene and it was registered to the person who committed the crime, the registry will link the crime gun to the criminal.  But, the criminals have proved to be smarter than the politicians and gun grabbers.

Despite spending $2.7 billion on creating and running a long-gun registry, Canadians never received any benefits from the liberal’s dream. The legislation to end the program finally passed the Parliament on Wednesday. Even though the country started registering long guns in 1998, the registry never solved a single murder.

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Former NY Governor Urges DA to Drop Charges Against Marine

Former New York Governor David Paterson has called on  Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance to drop gun charges against Ryan Jerome, a  former Marine who unwittingly violated the state’s tough gun laws.

Mr. Jerome visited New York City in September last year with jewelry that he intended to sell. He brought a gun for protection, believing that his Indiana concealed carry permit would be honored in New  York.  Instead, he was arrested for the first time in his life.

Read more:  http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/15/former-ny-governor-to-manhattan-da-drop-unusually-cruel-gun-charges-against-marine/#ixzz1mdqLmAg4

Breyer’s Robbery Illustrates Why RKBA Important Everywhere

BELLEVUE, WA – The recent robbery of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer at a vacation home in the West Indies should hopefully cause the learned jurist to re-examine his core beliefs about the individual right to keep and bear arms at places other than their primary residence, the Second Amendment Foundation said today. Read more

Federal Court Upholds Obama/Holder Gun Registration Scheme; Congressional Action Needed

Friday, January 13, 2012

Moments before this alert was to go out, a federal district court in Washington, D.C. issued a ruling upholding an Obama administration policy that requires federally licensed firearms retailers in states bordering Mexico to report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles. The case was brought by two NRA-backed firearms retailers and by the National Shooting Sports Foundation acting on behalf of its affected members. Plaintiffs plan to appeal immediately—but in the meantime, your help is urgently needed in seeking congressional action to end this illegal policy. Read more

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