Carrying a Gun Across State Lines

This from Fox News and John Lott after the House passed national reciprosity for concealed carry:

For decades, treating licenses for guns like those  for cars was something that gun control advocates wanted.

In his 2000 presidential campaign, Al  Gore promised: “We require a license to drive a car in this nation in order  to keep unsafe drivers off the road. As president, I will fight for a national  requirement that every state issue photo licenses [for handgun buyers]. We  should require a license to own a handgun so people who shouldn’t have them,  can’t get them.”

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Assistant U.S. Attorney General Wants Gun Owner Registration–Doesn’t Think Gun Owners Need Semi-Automatic Rifles or Shotguns

Assistant Attorney General, Lanny Breuer:  Very few hunters in the United States or sports people and law-abiding people really need to have semiautomatic weapons or long guns. . .

Friday, November 04, 2011

After weeks of stonewalling by the Department of Justice, a clearer picture of what its top officials knew about BATFE’s Operation Fast and Furious, and when they knew it, is slowly beginning to emerge.

On Tuesday, Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism about his knowledge of BATFE’s gunwalking operations, and his support for gun control. Read more

SAF Says New Gallup Data Shows Americans Value Their Gun Rights

BELLEVUE, WA – Wednesday’s revelation by Gallup that a record low number of Americans support a legal ban on handgun possession by private citizens demonstrates a positive change in the public attitude about personal protection and the Second Amendment, the Second Amendment Foundation said.

According to Gallup, only 26 percent of Americans favor a handgun ban. The annual Gallup Crime poll was conducted Oct. 6-9. Read more

NRA Files Appeal of Ruling on Handgun Sales Age Limits

On Sept. 29, a federal judge in the Northern District of Texas decided in favor of the federal government in a case brought by the NRA challenging the federal restriction on the purchase of handguns by 18-20 year old adults. The case is far from over, as the NRA has already filed an appeal.

In the case, Jennings v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the NRA and a group of responsible young adults argued that since 18-20 year olds are considered adults for virtually every other purpose, such as voting and military service, adults in this age group should also be able to purchase handguns from licensed dealers. Read more

NSSF Urges Calls to Congress

During Senate consideration of the FY 2012 Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill, Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) plans to offer an amendment that would prohibit use of funds for a new and unauthorized multiple sales reporting plan proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

The Heller amendment would prevent ATF from circumventing the will of Congress by centralizing records of thousands of Americans’ firearm purchases, without any legal authority. Read more

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