Tuck Tail and Run Bill Introduced in Michigan

Newsflash from Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

I write to you today because 13 Michigan House Democrats (see below for who) have seen it fit to attack our liberty.  These lawmakers want to restrict your right to defend yourself when you are out and about (away from your home).  They have introduced a bill, HB 5644, that would require that you retreat before you defend yourself or your loved ones.  So if someone is pointing a gun at you, you should try to run away first.  Read more

Adios Senator Lugar

Statement from Chris W. Cox on Richard Mourdock’s Significant Win in the Indiana U.S. Senate Primary Election

Thanks to your votes, Richard Mourdock has won the Republican   primary election for U.S. Senate in Indiana defeating 36-year incumbent, Sen. Richard Lugar.  Since the 1990s, Sen. Lugar has become notorious for his zealous support of gun control schemes and his fervent anti-gun positions.  Read more

The Case for Contempt of Congress

Back in February, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) promised to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress if Holder didn’t hand over Justice Department documents that had been subpoenaed as part of an ongoing investigation into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ now-infamous “Operation Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation. This week, Rep. Issa–chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee–made good on the pledge and sent out a draft Contempt Order against Holder to members of the committee.  Read more

Contempt Charges Prepared for Eric Holder

Republicans prepare comtempt of court charges in the wake of the Obama administration’s continued hiding of evidence in the Fast and Furious investigation.  Remember how Obama promised to be the most open administration in history?  Sure hope the door remains open so we can push him out this fall.  More on evidence hiding here…

The letter from Darrell Issa, Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is here…

More Obama, More Guns

Aanalysts say and gun owners know that the “Obama effect” has translated into a financial windfall for the gun industry. The National Shooting Sports Foundation estimates that firearms and ammunition had a $31 billion economic impact in 2011, up from $19 billion four years ago.   Funny, you never hear Obama pat himself on the back for his work on stimulating the firearms industry – and, he didn’t have to extract any of my money to do it!  More on the continuing salses increase here…

D.C. Changes Stance on Handguns

After years of end-runs around the historic decision of Washington D.C. v Heller, some needed changes are coming to its handgun laws.  A five-hour training mandate, ballistics testing, vision testing and the requirement that application documents be notarized are no longer required. The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) will take photographs of applicants. Registered gun owners will no longer be subject to arrest, if they possess the wrong type of ordinary ammunition.  All this from a unanimous decison of the D.C. Council and more here…

D.C.’s Stance on Guns Changing

The D.C. Council is expected to have passed the Firearms Amendment Act of 2012 under expedited procedures so it can take effect this summer. The ordinance will do away with many of the expensive and time-consuming hurdles to registering a gun in the District that were put in place after the Supreme court’s decision. D.C. Council Chairman Kwame R. Brown, who will vote for the bill, has made a 180 on gun rights.   More here…

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