Obama Expected to Sign NRA-Backed Bill Provisions

H.R. 2055—the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012—has been passed by the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate and has been sent to the President for his expected signature.  This bill contains three NRA-backed provisions that will strengthen our Second Amendment rights and prohibit your federal tax dollarsfrom being used to advance an anti-gun agenda. Read more

Jesse Jackson Pushes Gun Control

“It is time to revive the ban on assault weapons,” and Jackson bemoans the fact that “more Americans now own a gun on their property than any time since 1993, and  for the first time, a majority of Americans are against a ban on assault rifles  and semiautomatics.”

It’s hard to tell where this rebel without a real job gets his figures, but it figures.  Never mind the fact that semi-automatic firearms are more prevalent than ever before, our nation’s murder rate is at a  47-year low, having decreased 52 percent since 1991.

Colorado Sheriff Arrested for Dealing Meth

Gun-control advocates have lost a mouthpiece.  At least he’s been given a “timeout” – bigtime.  A Colorado sheriff, Patrick Sullivan now sits in the jail named after – wait for it – himslelf!  Seems he got caught dealing meth.

Above the Law: Patrick Sullivan

For 18 years, his rights were above ours.  Sherrif Grayson Robinson had this statement on the case:

“The criminal investigation into this matter was initiated on Nov. 17, after several individuals presented credible information that provided probable cause to believe that Sullivan may be involved in the distribution and use of methamphetamine.”

Postal Service’s Right to Ban Guns Challenged

An interesting case is moving forward which challenges the U.S. Postal Service’s authority to ban guns in post offices.

Hmmm, and where did that term “going postal” originate?  If ever a law-abiding citizen may need protection, it’s on or near the post office.


How prophetic is the above?  Find out here…  For whatever reasons, this current episode of postal shootings is nothing new.  Neither is government’s role in perpetuating the myth that gun-free zones make any sense whatsoever.


SAF Wins Preliminary Injunction Against City of Omaha

BELLEVUE, WA – A federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction against enforcement by the City of Omaha, Nbreaks of an ordinance that prohibits legal non-citizens from registering handguns in the city, in a case brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association and Armando Pliego Gonzalez. Read more

SAF Files Suit Against California Over Gun Rights

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons,” claiming that the statute is “vague and ambiguous” in its definition of assault weapons, leading to the arrest of a California man on two different occasions.

SAF is joined in the lawsuit, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, by the CalGuns Foundation and Brendan John Richards, an honorably-discharged Marine and Iraq war veteran, who was arrested and jailed in May 2010 and August 2011. Read more

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