Kimber Opposes New York’s Proposed Microstamping Legislation

Yonkers, NY – Kimber Mfg., Inc., one of America’s leading firearms manufacturing companies located in Yonkers, has announced strong opposition to both the proposed microstamping legislation and its inclusion in the budget (AB 9055C) under consideration by the New York State General Assembly. In addition to the Governor’s office, Kimber has contacted the Mayor of Yonkers and a number of elected representatives regarding this issue. Read more

Ruger Suspends New Gun Orders

The gun grabbers at the Brady Campaign have downplayed and even attempted to distort just how many guns are being sold in the past few years.  In fact, things are so bad, Ruger must suspend new orders – not because business is bad; it’s simply too good!

SOUTHPORT, CT –Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR), announced today that for the first quarter 2012, the Company has received orders for more than one million units. Therefore, the Company has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders.
Chief Executive Officer Michael O. Fifer made the following comments:

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National Right to Carry Legislation in Senate

Today, March 13, U.S. Senators Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) introduced S. 2188, the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2012.”  The bill is the Senate companion to H. R. 822, which was approved by the U. S. House last November by a vote of 272-154. Read more

Gun Grabbers Want Concealed Carry List

The Milwaukee-based group Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort or WAVE wants access to the list of concealed carry permit holders.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice says divulging the identity of any concealed carry license holder is against the law.

GW:  Isn’t the idea not to let anyone know?  The whole concept needs to be “concealed” to work its natural effect of discouraging bad guys from taking chances.  In any event, you can hear from the whiners here…

CCRKBA Says San Francisco Sheriff’s Plea Smacks of Hypocrisy

BELLEVUE, WA – The plea deal announced this morning that allows anti-gun San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi to keep his guns in what began as a domestic violence case “smacks of hypocrisy at the highest order,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Read more

Concealed Pistol Unholstered to Stop Crime

A customer with a concealed pistol license in a Royal Oak market parking lot appears to have prevented a knife-wielding man from harming people. David Harold Shuten, 43, of Madison Heights, was arrested there Monday on two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon and was forced to remain on the scene at gunpoint until police arrived. You won’t find this story on the Brady Campaign’s website, but it’s here…

Gun-Law Sanity Returning to D.C.

Since the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision overturning Washington, D.C.’s handgun ban in District of Columbia v. Heller, our nation’s capital has stood nearly alone in its level of contempt for residents’ Second Amendment rights. Two recent developments may give hope for a turn for the better. First, an NRA-supported case has ended in victory for residents of the District of Columbia’s public housing system, as the D.C. Housing Authority has finally changed its lease provisions to allow lawful gun possession in its properties. Read more

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