Tell Your Member of Congress to Vote “Yes” on Holder Contempt Resolution

Today—Thursday, June 27—the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on whether to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. in contempt of Congress, and to authorize a civil lawsuit to enforce the contempt resolution.

These votes are a result of the Obama-Holder Justice Department’s open defiance of legitimate demands for documents about the “Fast and Furious” program—documents that are needed for a complete congressional investigation of one of the most disastrous episodes in the history of federal law enforcement. Read more

Oral Arguments Presented in Illinois Right-to-Carry Case

In perhaps the clearest case in the country addressing the right to bear arms outside the home for self-defense, oral arguments took place June 8 in Chicago, before the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Shepard v. Madigan involves lead plaintiff Mary Shepard, an Illinois resident and trained gun owner with no criminal record, who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun in both Utah and Florida.  Unfortunately, she has no legal way to do so in Illinois as soon as she steps away from her home or place of business.  The National Rifle Association is funding this case, and our state affiliate, the Illinois State Rifle Association, is a co-plaintiff on behalf of its members who share Mrs. Shepard’s plight. Read more

New Poll Says Holder Should Go

BELLEVUE, WA – A new Rasmussen poll showing only 27 percent support for Attorney General Eric Holder keeping his job, while 73 percent are either in favor of his resignation or undecided, is a clear message that Holder should step down, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Read more

Holder Continues to Dance Around “Fast and Furious” Questions

The casting directors for “Dancing with the Stars” may wish to contact U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for an audition because, clearly, Holder can dance.
During yet another hearing this week, Holder testified before the House Judiciary Committee about his personal role–and the roles of senior Justice Department officials–in the disastrous “Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation, which resulted in the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

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Bear Kills Murderer

This from the Outdoor Pressroom…

A Canadian man whose dead body was partly eaten by a hungry bear on a remote road  was a convicted murderer who had been reported missing May 23rd.

He and two others were charged with killing a man in 1993. who they believed had sexually assaulted their family member.  More here…

Redding Offers Precision Powder Measuring System for New 17 Hornet and Small Rifle Cases

Cortland , NY…….The 17 Hornet is the hottest new cartridge of the year and handloaders are excited to get going on load development. A serious problem is the apparent lack of a High Precision BR type of powder measure to handle the very light charge weights for this cartridge. Redding solves this by offering their Competition Model 10x Powder measure which was specifically designed as a “bench rest” quality measure originally intended for the silhouette market. Read more

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