Carl Zeiss Introduces the New, Super-Bright VICTORY HT Riflescope Line

CHESTER, VA – Carl Zeiss Sports Optics introduces the all new, super-bright VICTORY HT Riflescope line available in 1.1-4×24, 1.5-6×42, 2.5-10×50 and 3-12×56 models. These VICTORY HT 30mm riflescopes achieve an unprecedented light transmission of near 95% thanks to the state-of-the-art proprietary High Transmission (HT) glass by SCHOTT and enhanced T* multi-layer coatings. As a result, Read more

California Game Commissioner to Keep Position – For Now

It now appears that California Game Commission president Richards may not be ousted from the commission over a recent hunting controversy said Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg.  While he hasn’t “closed all doors completely,” he has no plans to bring up a vote.  But, the politicians are attempting to take some of his authority away with a recent vote.  More on the continuing saga here…  A little more here…

Check the tags below for the history on the issue.

Santorum Provides Candid Views on Sportsmen’s Issues

GW:  Gotta give Santorum credit for being frank.  Always to one’s benefit…

(Columbus, OH) –On the day before the pivotal “Super Tuesday” primaries, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum sat down for an interview with the staff leadership of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance to discuss issues important to hunters, trappers and anglers.

The USSA staff present for the interview with Santorum were: Bud Pidgeon (President and CEO); Rob Sexton (Senior Vice President); Doug Jeanneret (Vice President, Marketing); and Evan Heusinkveld (Director, State Services). Read more

Emotion and Logic at Odds in California Legislature

By Glen Wunderlich

Daniel Richards, president of California’s Fish and Game Commission, is often at odds with animal-activist groups over his support of hunting as a viable means to manage wildlife.    A recent hunting trip resulted in a total of 40 Democrat state Assembly members demanding that he resign.   His crime?  Legally killing a mountain lion in Idaho. Read more

Hunter Green

GW:  I thought this was good years ago and it still is.

By Steve Sanetti

Today’s green movement uses certain buzzwords — organic, locavore, renewable — to the wry amusement of 15 million to 20 million of us who’ve actually lived the eco-friendly lifestyle that these words describe.

We are hunters.  As a subset of America, we’re admittedly somewhat smaller than we used to be. Our numbers have been steadily pressed beneath a culture growing ever faster, more complex and distant from its rural ancestry.  Now, like growing vegetables, gathering fresh eggs and raising farm animals for the table, the proclivity and skill to harvest Earth’s bounty of wild game — and to pass on this tradition to those longing for simpler ways of life — reside in only a relative few of us. Read more

Sportsmen’s Heritage Act Clears Key Hurdle

The newly introduced House Resolution 4089—strongly supported by the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) – has cleared the U.S. House of Representatives’ Natural Resources Committee and awaits a vote before the full House.  The bill passed the committee by a vote of 27 to 16.

HR 4089, which is a package of four high-priority bills will: Classify BLM and US Forest Service land as open to hunting, fishing and recreational shooting unless closed or restricted based on scientific evidence;    Confirm that the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot ban lead in traditional ammunition or in sport fishing gear; Protect recreational shooting on BLM National Monument land; and Allow the import of legally hunted polar bear trophies now tangled in federal red-tape. Read more

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