MDNR Files Suit Against Hunting Facility

On Tuesday, April 10, 2012, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources filed a civil complaint against Ronald McKendrick and Charlene McKendrick, who own and operate the Renegade Ranch Hunting Preserve in Cheboygan County. The McKendricks are being sued for violations of Michigan’s Invasive Species Act, which outlaws certain types of swine.

The complaint, brought in Cheboygan County Circuit Court, asks the court to require the McKendricks to comply with the state’s Invasive Species Act and to remove prohibited swine from their property. Read more

75 Years of Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program Success

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — This year marks the 75th anniversary of the passage of the landmark Pittman-Robertson (also known as Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration) Act, which directs excise taxes collected on the sale of firearms and ammunition to be used exclusively by state wildlife agencies for improving wildlife populations, hunter education and public access to the outdoors. The benefits of this program to state agencies, sportsmen, sporting goods retailers and manufacturers and anyone who enjoys and appreciates wildlife and the outdoors have been abundant since its creation. Read more

Non-Humans Don’t Get Constitutional Protection

Both historic and contemporary sources reveal that the terms “slavery” and “involuntary servitude” refer only to persons. In 1864, the term “slavery” was defined as “[t] he condition of a slave; the state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another.” .??.??. The clear language and historical context reveal that only human beings, or persons, are afforded the protection of the 13th Amendment.  Of course, PETA argued against the common sense of the ruling above, while SeaWorld was found innocent of enslaving whales.  More here…

Quotas for Michigan Elk and Bear Seasons

Michigan hunters will have more elk licenses available but fewer bear licenses, as the Natural Resources Commission set regulations for the upcoming seasons at its April 5 meeting in Lansing.  The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will make 200 elk licenses available, an increase of 45 from 2011.  “We have more elk than we did last year, so we can offer more hunting opportunity while working toward our population goal,” said DNR deer and elk program leader Brent Rudolph. Read more

EPA Denies Latest Anti-Hunting Group Petition to Ban Traditional Ammunition

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Monday denied yet another frivolous petition by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) — an established anti-hunting group — calling for a ban on the traditional ammunition (containing lead-core components) for hunting and shooting. Read more

The LM8 Platform: Rail Platform For Today’s Battlefield

MILAN, IL – Lewis Machine & Tool Company (LMT®), an Illinois-based company that designs, prototypes and manufactures small arms, accessories and tooling components for the military, government, law enforcement, commercial manufacturers and responsible civilians introduce the new LM8 platform on two new rifle systems: the LM8MRP® and the LM8MWS®. Read more

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