Michigan’s Hunting License Revenue Continues to Drop

Steve Beyer, DNR Research and Management Section supervisor whines about not getting an increase in fees since 1996.  What he fails to mention is that fees were increased a few years ago – 50 percent to be exact – for antlerless permits.  So, how’s that working out?

The real problem is how the herd is managed:  for numbers, not quality.  People from Michigan hunt elsewhere for quality whitetails – Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, Ohio, etc., because of better buck-to-doe ratios and ultimately better bucks.

Driving up the cost of licenses will eliminate more hunters from the pool, so there’s always a tradeoff.

Revenue will only have a chance of increasing if the quality of hunting gets better.

Here are three suggestions:  1)  Lower cost of antlerless permits to balance the herd and decrease car/deer accidents.  2)  Allow only one buck per season.  3)  Mandate antler restrictions state-wide to a minimum of 4 antler points per side for several years.

Maybe a bit radical but if we keep doing what we have been doing, we’ll keep getting what we have gotten.


Obama Breaks Another Promise: Horsemeat is Back

I sure don’t know how many times I have consumed horsemeat.  But, I do remember when McDonald’s got in trouble for sneaking it into its burgers years ago – many years ago when I was a kid.  No, I am not horsing around.  I have a vivid memory regarding the horsemeat/fine announcement, although I have yet to find anything on the net referencing anything more than rumors.

I don’t recall the specific year, but I do remember where I was when I heard about it.  I was returning from Plumbrook Golf Course (in suburban Detroit) with my father, after caddying for him in a golf league event.  So, this would have put the matter on the calendar about 50 years ago.  The news came over the am radio in the car on the way home, that McDonalds had been fined for using horsemeat in its burgers.  Seems like the fine was $15,000 but I wouldn’t be on it.

Now, Obama has gone back on his campaign promise made to animal-rights whackos to keep horses from being slaughtered for meat.

Without getting into the debate about eating relatives of Mr. Ed, the point of this post is simple:  Obama lied – again when he said he would support “a permanent ban on horse slaughter and exports of horses for human consumption.”

Guess what administration stopped the practice of killing horses for food.  Yep, Bush did it when he stopped the funding of federal inspections in year 2006, thus ending the practice.


Heritage Manufacturing Introduces .45LC/410

Heritage Manufacturing introduces an addition to our Heritage family, a .45LC/.410. The ultimate self-defense gun. Whether you need protection against an intruder or a snake, the new Heritage .45LC/.410 is up to the task. Like all our other Rough Riders, this bad boy is also an all American made Single Action Revolver which holds six rounds and accepts both
.410 bore 2 1/2″ shot-shells and .45LC cartridge all in one cylinder. Available in black satin finish with oversized rosewood grips and red ramp fiber-optic front sight. MSRP $449.99

SCI Helps Ensure New Jersey Bear Hunt Will Proceed Monday

Defeat of Lawsuit Keeps Hunt on Schedule 

Washington, D.C. – Safari Club International (SCI) and the New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs (Federation) have again helped successfully defend against a legal challenge aimed at stopping the New Jersey black bear hunt. Today, a State appellate court upheld the decision authorizing the hunt. Barring reversal by the New Jersey Supreme Court, the hunt is scheduled to begin on Monday, December 5, 2011. This will be the first time in recent history that the State will be able to hold a hunt for two consecutive years. SCI and the Federation applaud the efforts of the New Jersey state wildlife professionals and decision-makers. Read more

New XUVs Provide Off-Road Performance, Comfort, and Multi-Passenger Capability

CARY, NC – Now it’s easier than ever to conquer tough terrain and bring your buddies and gear along for the ride. The new John Deere Gator ™ Mid-Duty XUV 550 and 550 S4 crossover utility vehicles offer off-road performance, improved comfort, cargo versatility, and the ability to transport up to 4 people across the most challenging landscapes. Read more

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