New IQ Universal Sight Light Illuminates Your Pins When You Need It Most


SUPERIOR, Wisc. (November 30, 2011) – When the light is waning and the pins on your bow sight don’t seem quite bright enough to take your shot, it is time to turn on the new IQ Universal Sight Light from IQ Bowsights. With its adjustable rheostat control, pin-brightness levels are always up to you. Adjusting the IQ Universal Sight Light to changing hunting
conditions not only will significantly lower pin glare at the moments of dawn and dusk of legal shooting hours, but it will also increase your confidence in the shot. Read more

Morning Hunt in First Snow

By Glen Wunderlich

With power off and the generator running at 5:30 am, I marched through the 6-inch deep snow to a hunting blind overlooking some low ground.  After climbing in, I soon discovered that the slide-up windows wouldn’t unlatch.  Frozen shut.

Snow glistens from morning sun


Finally, I got one side to cooperate, but not after alerting any game within a half mile of my presence.  The other three windows wouldn’t budge.  It didn’t take me long to realize I had to find another location to hunt the first snow of the season.

At least my early morning arrival has given me an opportunity to get set somewhere – anywhere else.  But, my plan to ambush deer along routes to their bedding area was blown up.  Being afield this day would be good enough.

My alternate blind would overlook a brassica food plot of some two acres.  It’s never been much of a morning spot; rather, it is a prime destination field. 

At first light, two antlerless deer began feeding on turnip greens and rape.

Nothing else materialized and I left the heated blind way too early, but I still have some plowing to attend to.  The afternoon shift should be interesting.


Powerless on Last Day of Deer Season

By Glen Wunderlich

This is already shaping up as a special day.  Our first snow of the year and it’s a substantial one.  I had planned to hunt on this our final firearms season day for whitetail (although late seasons are coming), so I had prepared to get up early.  Not this early, though.

Seems the heavy dose of snow brought down some power lines and we have no power in this part of Shiawassee County.  Off to the garage at 3:45 am for the generator.  It must have taken me 15 minutes to get it through the snow to the hookup area.  Gotta have that juice with the outdoor furnace and underground water lines.

For now, it’s off to the shower and off to the woods.  Snowplowing will have to wait.

First Snow, Last Day

By Glen Wunderlich

It’s hard to believe that November in mid-Michigan has gone snowless – until now.  The chilly northeast rain has been transformed to a wet, heavy blanket of white – our first of the year.

Snow capped outdoor furnace and fuel

The photo above was taken without flash under the yard light about an hour ago; it’s still coming down.

As for tomorrow morning – the last morning of firearms deer season – I’ll be there.  It’s what I dream of.

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